Eartha Old English Of the earth.
Easter Old English From the holiday.
Ebba Old English From the rich fortress.
Ebere African mercy
Eberta Teutonic Bright, brilliant.
Ebony Greek A black wood.
Ebrel Cornish From April, the first month in the Roman calendar, and the beginning of spring. Cornish form of April.
Echo Greek A repeating round. The name of a nymph in Greek mythology.
Eda Old English Rich, prosperous.
Edalene Noble, King.
Edaline Noble, King.
Edana Gaelic Fiery.
Edda Old English rich
Edeline German Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Eden Hebrew/Old English Hebrew: The place of pleasure (from the Garden of Eden). Old English: A bear cub. A boy or girl's name.
Edena Hawaiian Renewal, rejuvenation.
Edeva Old English A rich gift.
Edina A prosperous friend. The feminine form of Edwin.
Edith Old English Prosperity, or a gift.
Edlyn Old English A noble maiden.
Edme Scottish Protector. A variation of Esme, and the feminine form of Edmund.
Edmonda Old English A rich protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Edna Hebrew Renewal, rejuvenation.
Edolie Old English noble
Edrea Old English Prosperous, powerful.
Edria Hebrew mighty
Edwerdina Old English A prosperous guardian. The female form of Edward.
Edwina Old English A prosperous friend. The feminine form of Edwin.
Edythe Prosperity, or a gift.
Eerin Aboriginal A small grey owl.
Effie Of good reputation.
Effy Of good reputation.
Efia Ghanese born on tuesday
Efrosini Hebrew a fawn or a bird
Efterpi Greek pretty in face
Egeria Greek A wise adviser.
Eglantine Old French A flower name, from Old French.
Eiddwen Welsh The beloved fair one.
Eileen Irish Gaelic The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Eilis Irish Gaelic A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Eir Old Norse The name of the goddess of healing.
Eira Welsh Snow.
Eireen Peace.
Eirena Peace.
Eirene Peace.
Eirian Welsh Silver.
Eirwen Welsh As white as snow.
Eithne Irish Gaelic Ardent, fiery. Also see Aine and Ena.
Ekala Aboriginal A lake.
Ekaterina Russian Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Ekta Hindu
Ela Old English Elfin, a fairy maiden. Also a diminutive of Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ellen and Helen.
Elaine English From the Old French form of Helen.
Elana A tree.
Elanora Aboriginal A home by the sea.
Elata Latin Exalted, of high birth.
Elberta Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elbertina Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elbertine Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elda Italian A battle maiden.
Eldora Spanish The golden one.
Eleanor Old French The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Electra Greek Brilliant.
Elena Italian/Portuguese/Spanish The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Eleni Greek The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Elenna A tree.
Eleora Hebrew the lord is my light
Elephteria Freedom.
Eleri Welsh The name of a river.
Elexus Latin Elex, Lex, Lexus
Elfreda Noble and ready. Feminine form of Alphonse.
Elga The holy one.
Eliane Latin From the Greek word for sun.
Elida The little winged one.
Elie The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elina Greek, Hindu pure, intelligent
Elinor The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elinore The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Eliora Hebrew God is my light.
Elisa Spanish dedicated to God
Elisabeth Consecrated to God.
Elise French Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elisha Hebrew God is my salvation. The successor of Elijah in the Bible. A boy or girl's name.
Eliska Czech truthful
Elissa Greek Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elita Old French The little winged one or the chosen one.
Elizabeth Hebrew Consecrated to God. A name from the Bible. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elke The defender, or helper of mankind. Form of Alexandra.
Ella Old English Elfin, a fairy maiden. Also a diminutive of Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ellen and Helen.
Ellamay A combination of Ella and May.
Elle French She, a woman.
Ellema African Milking a cow.
Ellen The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Elli The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Ellice Greek Jehovah is God. The feminine form of Elias.
Ellie The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Ellin Aboriginal To move.
Ellinor The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elly The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Elma Greek Pleasant, amiable.
Elmas Armenian A diamond.
Elmira Old English Noble.
Elodia Wealthy, prosperous.
Elodie Wealthy, prosperous.
Eloise Teutonic Healthy.
Elouera Aboriginal From the pleasant place.
Elrica German The ruler of all.
Elsa A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Else Hebrew concecrated to god
Elsie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elspeth Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Eluned Welsh A waterfall.
Elvan Turkish
Elvina Old English The friend of the elves.
Elvira Latin/Teutonic Latin: The fair one. Teutonic: A true stranger.
Elysa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elyse Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elyshia The light of the sun. A form of Alice, but often used as an independent name.
Elysia Latin Blissful.
Elyssa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elzira Portuguese Form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Ema Polynesian beloved
Emalia Latin flirt
Emanuel God is with us.
Emanuela Hebrew god is with us
Emanuele God in humankind.
Ember Old English smoldering remains of a fire
Emelda A floret.
Emelia Industrious. Also see Amelia.
Emer Irish Gaelic A traditional name.
Emerald A gemstone name.
Emilia Ambitious, industrious.
Emilie Ambitious, industrious.
Emily Teutonic Industrious. Also see Amelia.
Emina Latin A noble or lofty maiden.
Emma Teutonic The healer of the universe.
Emmanuel Hebrew God is with us. A boy or girl's name.
Emmanuelle Hebrew God is with us. Feminine form of Emmanuel.
Emmet Old English Industrious. A boy or girl's name.
Emmett Truth.
Emmuna Hebrew
Emmylou From Emily and Louise. Emily - Industrious. Louise - A famous warrior maiden.
Emogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Emogene Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Ena Irish Gaelic Ardent. A variation of Eithne.
Enda Irish Gaelic Bird-like. A boy or girl's name.
Endocia Greek Of unquestionable reputation.
Endora Hebrew A fountain.
Engelberta Teutonic A bright angel.
Engracia Spanish Graceful.
Enid Celtic A pure soul.
Ennor Cornish From the boundary. A boy or girl's name.
Enola Native American magnolia
Enora Greek Light.
Enrica Italian/Spanish The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. Also see Harriet.
Enya Irish
Enye Yiddish grace
Enys Celtic From the island. Also see Innes.
Eranthe Greek A flower of spring.
Erasma Greek amiable
Erena Peace.
Erene Peace.
Erianthe Greek sweet as many flowers
Erica Old Norse A powerful ruler. The feminine form of Eric.
Erika German/Scandinavian A powerful ruler. The feminine form of Eric.
Erin Irish Gaelic From Ireland. A boy or girl's name.
Eris Greek The goddess of discord.
Erlina Celtic girl from Ireland
Erline Old English A noblewoman. The feminine form of Earl.
Erma Teutonic A maiden of the army. The feminine form of Herman. Also See Armina.
Ermine Old French From the name of the fur.
Ernestine Teutonic Serious, earnest. The feminine form of Ernest.
Erwina Teutonic An honourable friend.
Eryn Irish Gaelic From Ireland.
Erzsebet Hebrew devoted to God
Eskarne Spanish merciful
Esme Protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Esmeralda Spanish Spanish expression meaning Emerald.
Esmerelda Protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Esperance Latin Hope.
Esperanza Spanish hope
Esta Italian From the east.
Estefania Spanish A garland or crown. The feminine form of Stephen.
Estelle French from Latin A star. Also see Esther and Stella.
Ester Spanish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Esther Hebrew A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Etain Irish Shining, bright.
Etana Hebrew Determination.
Etania Native American wealthy
Eternity Everlasting.
Ethel Teutonic A noble maiden.
Ethelda Noble in counsel.
Etienette French from Greek A garland or crown. Feminine form of Etienne. Also see Stephanie.
Etsu Japanese Delight.
Etta The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. A4, See Harriet.
Ettie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. A4, See Harriet.
Euclea Greek Glory.
Eudocia Of unquestionable reputation.
Eudocie Of unquestionable reputation.
Eudora Greek A wonderful gift.
Eugenia Greek Noble, wellborn. The feminine form of Eugene.
Eulalia Greek The well-spoken one.
Euna Scottish Also see Juno.
Eunice Greek Victorious.
Euphemia Greek Of good reputation.
Euphrasia Greek Joy, delight.
Euphrosyne Greek joy
Eurwen Welsh Fair.
Eurydice Greek The goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology.
Eustacia Greek Fruitful. The feminine form of Eustace.
Eva Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evadine Greek from greek mythology
Evadne Greek Fortunate.
Evana East European God is gracious. .
Evangelia Greek one who brings good news
Evangeline Greek The bearer of good news.
Evania Greek Peaceful, tranquil.
Evanthe Greek flower
Eve Hebrew Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evelina Hebrew lifegiving
Evelyn English From an old surname, but also related to Eve. A boy or girl's name.
Everild Old English The slayer of the boar. A boy or girl's name.
Everilda The slayer of the boar.
Evette From the name Yvonne. The feminine form of Yves. The little archer.
Evie Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evita Spanish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evonne French/Greek French: An archer. Greek: The wood of the Yew tree.
Ewa Polish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Eyota Native American The greatest.