Cade Pure.
Cadee Pure.
Cadence Latin Rhythmic.
Cadrian Rhian
Caelyn loved forever Cay
Cai Vietnamese
Cailin Gaelic A girl.
Caimile African A family is born.
Cairine Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cairistiona Scottish Gaelic A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cait Irish Gaelic Pure, virginal.
Caitlin Irish Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caitlyn Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caitrin Irish Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caja Cornish A daisy.
Cala Arabic castle
Calandra Greek A lark.
Calantha Greek A beautiful blossom.
Caledonia Latin A woman from Scotland.
Calendre Greek
Caley Irish Gaelic Slender. A boy or girl's name.
Calida Latin Warns and loving.
Calista Greek The most beautiful one.
Calix Very handsome.
Calixte Very beautiful.
Calla Greek Beautiful.
Callan German chatter
Callia French Beautiful.
Callidora Greek The gift of beauty.
Calliope Greek A beautiful voice. The muse of poetry in Greek mythology.
Callista Most beautiful.
Callisto Greek/Latin Greek: A mythological nymph. Latin: The beautiful little one.
Caltha Latin yellow flower
Calypso Greek A legendary sea nymph. Also a West Indian style of music.
Cam Vietnamese, English orange fruit, sweet, beloved, referring to the sun
Cambria Latin An ancient name for Wales.
Camelai Latin flower name
Camellia A flower name.
Cameo Italian An engraved gem.
Camilla Latin From a Roman family name, possibly meaning noble.
Camille Latin Virginal, unblemished character. Also from a Roman family name. A boy or girl's name.
Camira Aboriginal Of the wind.
Canace Greek The daughter of the wind.
Candace English/Latin Possibly meaning brilliant white or clarity. The name of several queens of Ethiopia, and mentioned in the Bible.
Candice Possibly meaning brilliant white or clarity. From the name Candace.
Candida Latin White.
Candide Dazzling white.
Candie Possibly meaning brilliant white From the name Candace.
Candra Latin Luminescent.
Candy English The sweet one. Also a nickname from Candace and Candida.
Cantara Arabic small bridge
Caoimhe Celtic gentleness, beauty, grace
Capri Italian island.
Caprice Italian Unpredictable, whimsical.
Cara Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Caragh Irish Love.
Carajean sweet melody Cari
Caralee From Cara and Lee. Cara - Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one. Lee - A meadow or a clearing.
Caralyn From Cara and Lynn. Cara - Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one. Lynn - A waterfall.
Cardinia Aboriginal The dawn.
Caren Pure. Also see Catherine, Karen and Kathleen.
Carensa Love.
Carenza Love.
Caresse Beloved.
Carew Latin run
Carey Irish/Celtic/Cornish Irish: The name of a castle. Celtic: From the river. Cornish: The loved one. A boy or girl's name.
Carha A pillar stone.
Cari Turkish flows like water
Carin Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carina Aboriginal A bride. Also see Cara.
Carine Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carissa Latin The most beloved one.
Carla A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carleigh German freeholder
Carlen Teutonic woman
Carley A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlie A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlin Cornish/IrishGaelic Cornish: From the fort by the pool. Irish Gaelic: The little champion. A boy or girl's name.
Carlina Italian A free person.
Carling Old English hill wehre old women or witches gather
Carlota A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlotta A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carly A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carmel Hebrew A garden or orchard.
Carmela Italian A garden or orchard.
Carmelita Spanish A garden or orchard.
Carmen Spanish A garden or orchard.
Carmine A garden or orchard.
Carmita A garden or orchard.
Carna Arabic horn
Carnation A flower name.
Carnelian The name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Carol A free person.
Carolena Little and womanly.
Caroline A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carolyn From the name Carol and Linda. Carol - A free person. Lyn - A waterfall.
Caron French pure
Carreen English A character in Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind. Also see Cara.
Carrie English A free person.
Carrieann Gracious and womanly.
Carrigan Gaelic
Carrington Old English beautiful
Carryl Welsh Love. Also see Carol.
Cary Irish/Celtic/Cornish Irish: The name of a castle. Celtic: From the river. Cornish: The loved one. A boy or girl's name.
Caryn Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carys Welsh The beloved one.
Cascadia Greek Cassie, Cass, Cassi, Cassee
Casey Irish Gaelic The vigilant one. A boy or girl's name.
Casilda Latin of the home
Casondra Not to be believed.
Cassandra Greek In legend, a Trojan princess with the gift of prophecy.
Cassia Hebrew From the Cassia tree, a variety of cinnamon. Also see Kezia.
Cassiel Latin angel of saturday, the earthy mother
Casta Latin Pure and modest.
Castalia Greek A mythological figure.
Catalin Wizard.
Catalina Spanish Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catalonia Spanish A region of Spain.
Catarina Portuguese Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catava African name from a proverb
Caterina Italian Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathay An archaic name for China.
Cathee Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catherine Greek Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathie Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathleen Irish Pure, virginal. Also see Catherine.
Cathlene Irish Pure, virginal. Also see Catherine.
Cathy Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catrin Welsh Pure.
Catriona Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cauvery Hindu Cavery
Cayla Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cayleigh Gaelic party
Ceana God is gracious.
Cecania German free
Cecia Seesha, Sessi
Cecile Blind.
Cecilia Latin The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Cecily Irish The blind one, or the sixth. .
Ceinwen Welsh Blessed and fair.
Celandia Greek the swallow
Celandine A flower name.
Celena Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celene Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celeste Latin Heavenly.
Celestyn Polish Heaven.
Celia The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Celie French The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Celina Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celine Greek The goddess of the moon.
Cerdwin Celtic the mother Goddess
Cerelia Latin of the spring
Ceres Latin The Roman goddess of corn and tillage.
Ceridwen Welsh Fair poetry.
Cerise French Cherry red.
Chaitaly Hindu
Chaitra Hindu aries sign
Chalsie Seaport.
Chana Gracious.
Chanah Hebrew grace
Chance Old French A church official or chancellor. A boy or girl's name.
Chandani Sanskrit name of the goddess devi
Chandi Sanskrit angry name of goddess sakti
Chandra Sanskrit A shining moon. A boy or girl's name.
Chane Hindu, Swahili name of a god, dependability
Chanel French The name of a famous perfume.
Chantal French From a family name meaning stone or boulder. The name has also come to mean a little singer.
Chantel Rocky land or singer.
Charis Greek Grace, the graceful one.
Charisma Greek grace
Charissa Greek grace
Charisse Grace, beauty, kindness.
Charity Latin Loving and benevolent. One of the three Graces in Greek mythology.
Charla Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlee Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charleen A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charleigh Man.
Charlene A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charline Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlot Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlotte Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charmaine Greek Delightful.
Charmian Latin From Shakespeare's play Antony & Cleopatra.
Charo A free person. From the name Carol.
Charu Hindu
Chastity Latin Pure and chaste.
Chavi Female child.
Chay Old German man
Chaya Hebrew life
Chaylen Aylen
Chelle Like the Lord. A feminine form of Michael. Also see Michaela.
Chelsa Harbour.
Chelsea From the name of a fashionable London suburb.
Chelsi Seaport.
Chelsia Harbour.
Chenoa Native American A white dove.
Cher French The beloved one.
Cheri The beloved one.
Cherie Beloved.
Cherilyn English Derived from Cher or Cheryl and Lynn. Cher and Cheryl - The beloved one. Lynn - A Waterfall.
Cherise Greek grace
Cherish Old French The treasured one.
Cherlin The beloved one.
Cherry The beloved one. Also a fruit name.
Cheryl The beloved one.
Chesna Slavonic Peaceful.
Chevonne Irish Gaelic Form of Jane and Judith. Jane - God is gracious. Judith - A woman from Judea.
Chhavvi Hindu
Chhaya Hindu shadow
Chiara Italian Bright and famous. The name of an Irish county. Also See Clarice.
Chika Japanese near
Chilali Native American snowbird
Chimalis Native American bluebird
Chipo African gift
Chiquita Spanish The little one.
Chitra Hindu portrait
Chitrangda Hindu
Chizu Japanese A thousand storks. A name which implies longevity.
Chloe Greek A fertile young maiden.
Chloris Greek A plant lover.
Cho Japanese/Korean A butterfly. Korean beautiful.
Choden Tibetan/Sherpa The devout one.
Chow Chinese Summer.
Chrissy Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christa Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christabel English Beautiful Christian. Derived from Christina and Belle.
Christal Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christea Bearing Christ. From the name Christa.
Christel Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christelle Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christian Latin A follower of Christ. A Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Christiana Christian, anointed.
Christie Irish/Scottish A follower of Christ, a Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Christina Latin A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Christine Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christmas Old English Born at Christmas time. A boy or girl's name.
Christy Irish/Scottish A follower of Christ, a Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Chruse Greek golden, the golden one
Chrysantha A flower name. From Chrysanthemum - Greek for a golden flower.
Chrysilla Greek Golden-haired.
Chyou Chinese autumn
Ciannait Irish ancient
Ciar Irish saint's name
Ciara Irish Gaelic A spear.
Cicely The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Cicily The blind one, or the sixth. .
Cilla From a Roman family name. From the name Priscilla, but also an independent name.
Cinderella French A maiden of the cinders or ashes.
Cindy A maiden of the cinders or ashes. From the name Cinderella, Cynthia and Lucinda (See Lucy), but also used as an independent name.
Cindylou A maiden of the cinders or ashes. From Cindy and Louise.
Cinnabar Greek Red. A colour name and also the name of a mineral.
Cinnamon Hebrew A spice name.
Circe Greek witch-goddess, seductive
Cissy The blind one, or the sixth. .
Claiborne Old English born of the earth
Claire French Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clara Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarabelle Latin/French Bright and beautiful. From Clan and Belle.
Clare Latin Bright and famous. The name of an Irish county. Also See Clarice.
Clarice French from Latin The little brilliant one. Also See Clue.
Clarinda Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarine Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarissa Brilliant.
Claudia Latin The lame one. The feminine form of Claude.
Clematis Greek A climbing plant. A flower name.
Clemence Latin Mild, merciful.
Clementine Merciful.
Cleo Glory of the father. The queen of Egypt from 47-30 BC.
Cleomenes From Shakespeare's play Winter's Tale.
Cleopatra Greek Glory of the father. The queen of Egypt from 47-30 BC.
Cleta Glory of the father.
Cleva Old English From the cliff. Feminine form of Clive.
Cliantha Greek A glorious flower.
Clio Greek The glorious one. The muse of history in Greek mythology. Also see Cleopatra.
Clodagh Irish From the name of a river.
Clodia The lame one. The feminine form of Claude.
Clorinda Persian Of renowned beauty.
Cloris A plant lover.
Clotilda Teutonic Famous battle maiden.
Clove A nail.
Clover Old English A flower name.
Clymene Greek Renowned.
Cochiti Spanish forgotten
Cody Old English A pillow or cushion. A boy or girl's name.
Colenso Cornish From the dark pool.
Colette French The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Colleen Irish Gaelic A girl.
Colletta The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Collette The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Columba Latin Dove-like. The name of a 6th-century Irish saint. Also see Calum and Coleman. A boy or girl's name.
Columbia Old English a dove
Columbine A flower name. Also see Columba.
Concepcion Latin/Spanish Latin: The beginning. Spanish: A name that relates to the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception.
Concordia Latin The harmonious one.
Conncetta Conny
Connie Steadfast, constant.
Constance Latin Steadfast, constant.
Consuela Latin The consoler or comforter.
Consuelo Spanish Consolation.
Coorah Aboriginal A woman.
Cora Greek A maiden.
Corabelle A combination of Con and Belle, meaning a beautiful maiden.
Coral Latin From the sea.
Coralia Greek Like coral.
Coralie Little maiden.
Corazon Spanish The heart. Often used in the Philippines.
Corbin A raven.
Cordelia Celtic A jewel of the sea.
Coreen Aboriginal The end of the hills.
Corentine Little Cora.
Corey Celtic/Gaelic Dweller in the hollow. A boy or girl's name.
Corin Cornish/Latin Cornish: From the corner. Latin: The name of a Roman deity, possibly meaning a spear. Also from Shakespeare's play As You Like It. A boy or girl's name.
Corina A maiden.
Corinda Cori
Corine A maiden.
Corinna A maiden.
Corinne A maiden.
Corliss Old English The cheerful one.
Cornelia Latin A horn. The feminine form of Cornelius.
Cornelian The name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Corona Latin A town.
Corowa Aboriginal A rocky river.
Corrine A maiden.
Cory Helmet. A boy or girl's name.
Cosette Victorious people.
Cosima Greek Perfect order.
Cossette French Of the victorious.
Courtney Old French The short-nosed one, or frons a placename. A boy or girl's name.
Crescent Old French one who creates
Cressida Greek The golden one. A Shakespearian character.
Crisiant Welsh Like a crystal. A boy or girl's name.
Crispina Latin The curly-haired one. Feminine form of Crispin.
Cristin A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristina A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristine A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristiona Irish Gaelic A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristy Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Crystal Greek Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Cuyler Celtic chapel
Cybele French The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cybil The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cybill The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cynara Greek thistle
Cyndi Of the moon.
Cynere Greek An artichoke or thistle.
Cynthia Greek Of the moon. An alternative name for the Greek moon goddess, Artemis.
Cypriana Greek A woman from Cyprus.
Cyprien French cypriot
Cyrena Greek A woman from Cyrene, an ancient Greek colony in North Africa.
Cyrene Greek name of a mythological nymph
Cyrilla Greek Lordly or proud one. Feminine form of Cyril.
Cytheria Latin venus
Cyzarine Russian royalty