Aaliyah Arabic, Hebrew high exalted, to ascend
Aasia Hindu
Aba African born on Thursday
Abbey Hebrew Father's joy. From Abigail, but also used as independent name.
Abbie Hebrew Father's joy. From Abigail, but also used as independent name.
Abby Hebrew Father's joy. From Abigail, but also used as independent names.
Abelia Hebrew Breath. The feminine form of Abel.
Abella Assyrian child
Abeo Nigerian Happy she was born.
Abey Native American leaf
Abha Hindu lustrous beauty
Abhilasha Hindu
Abia Arabic Great.
Abigail Hebrew Father's joy.
Abijah Hebrew The Lord is my father.
Abilene The name of a city in Texas.
Abina Ghanian Born on a Thursday.
Abiona Yoruban born on a journey
Abir Arabic/Hebrew Arabic: The fragrant one. Hebrew: Strong.
Abira Hebrew strong
Abra Hebrew The father of many. The feminine form of Abraham.
Abrianna Mother of many nations.
Abrienda Spanish Opening.
Acacia Greek Thorny, as in the Acacia tree.
Acadia Canadian Cadie, Caddie
Acanit Ugandan hard times
Acantha Greek A legendary nymph.
Accalia Latin The foster mother of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome.
Acedia Czech
Achal Hindu steady, mountainous
Achazia Hebrew the Lord holds
Achen Ugandan a twin
Achilla Greek A handsome figure in Greek mythology. The feminine form of Achilles.
Achit Hindu
Achlys Greek mist, darknesss
Ada Teutonic Prosperous and joyful, happy.
Adabelle Joyous and beautiful. From Ada and Belle.
Adah Hebrew Adornment or ornament. A biblical name.
Adalgisa Old German noble hostage
Adalia Hebrew God is my refuge.
Adama Hebrew Of the red earth. The feminine form of Adam.
Adamina The earth.
Adamma Beautiful child.
Adana A city in Turkey.
Adar Hebrew Fire.
Adara Greek/Arabic Greek: Beauty. Arabic: Virgin.
Addi Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Addie Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Addisyn Addie, Addy, Addi
Addy Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Adela Noble and serene.
Adelaide Old German Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Adele French Noble. Also see Adelaide.
Adelicia Old English Noble and kind. Form of Adelaide and Alice.
Adelina Old German noble
Adelinda Noble and kind. From Adelaide and Linda.
Adeline Noble, kind.
Adelle Noble, kind.
Adelpha Greek Sisterly.
Ademia Greek without husband
Aden Arabic Fiery one.
Adena Hebrew delicate, sensual
Adeola Nigerian A crown.
Aderes Hebrew one who protects
Aderyn Welsh A bird.
Adesina Yoruban the way is opened for more
Adhira Hindu lightning
Adiba Arabic Cultured.
Adie Hebrew ornament
Adiel Hebrew An ornament of God.
Adila Arabic Equal, like.
Adima Teutonic Noble, famous.
Adina Hebrew Slender and delicate. A biblical name.
Adishree Hindu exalted
Aditi Hindu free and unbounded
Adiva Arabic pleasant, gentle
Adolfina German noble wolf, noble hero
Adolpha Teutonic A noble she-wolf. The feminine version of Adolf.
Adona Adonna, Adonne, Ady
Adoncia Spanish Sweet.
Adonia Greek A beautiful goddess. The feminine form of Adonis.
Adora Latin The adored one.
Adorabelle A combination of Adora and Belle.
Adorna Latin Adorned with jewels.
Adriana Latin A dark woman from the sea. The feminine form of Adrian. Generally an Italian name.
Adriano Greek Dark, rich.
Adrienne Dark, rich.
Aegea Greek Of the Aegean.
Aemilia From Shakespeare's play Comedy of Errors
Affrica Celtic Pleasant. Also from the name of the continent.
Afina Rumanian blueberry
Afra Dust.
Afraima Arabic/Hebrew Fruitful.
Afric Pleasant.
Africa Pleasant.
Afton Old English river name
Agape Greek Love.
Agate French A precious stone.
Agatha Greek Good, kind, honourable. St Agatha was a 3rd-century Sicilian martyr.
Aggie Good.
Aglaia Greek Splendour, splendid beauty. The goddess of harmony.
Agnes Greek Pure, chaste. The name of a saint of the Middle Ages.
Agneta Greek, Germanic pure
Ahava Hebrew name of a river, love
Ahimsa Hindu nonviolent virtue
Ahnada A city in Portugal.
Ahneta Latin Ambitious.
Ahuva Hebrew Beloved.
Ai Japanese love
Aida Helper.
Aidan Irish Gaelic The little fiery one.
Aide Prosperous and joyful, happy.
Aideen Shining, bright.
Aiesha Arabic Woman
Aiko Japanese The little loved one, the beloved.
Aila Finnish light-bearer
Aileen Scottish The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Ailis Irish Gaelic The light of the sun. Form of Alice.
Ailish A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Ailsa Scottish After a rocky inlet known as Ailsa Craig.
Aimee French Beloved. A form of Amy.
Ain Arabic precious, eye
Aina Yoruban complicated delivery
Aine Irish Gaelic Brightness, radiance. Traditional name of the queen of the fairies in Celtic mythology.
Aingeal Irish Gaelic A heavenly messenger, an angel. Form of Angela.
Ainhoa Basque reference to virgin mary
Ainsley Old English/Scottish A meadow or clearing. Also a unisex name.
Aintzane Basque glorious
Airlia Greek Ethereal.
Aisha Arabic Life. The name of Mohamed?s third and favourite wife.
Aisling A vision or dream.
Aislinn A vision or dream.
Aissa African grateful
Aithne Celtic little fire
Aiyana Native American eternal bllom
Ajay Hindu unconquerable, god
Akaisha Irish the akaisha flower
Akako Japanese Red.
Akala Aboriginal A parrot.
Akana A mountain in Papua New Guinea.
Akanke Nigerian to know her is to love her
Akanksha Hindu
Akasma Turkish white climbing-rose
Akela Hawaiian noble
Akila Arabic Wise.
Akilah Arabic intelligent, logical
Akili Tanzanian wisdom
Akilina Latin eagle
Akina Japanese A spring flower.
Akriti Hindu
Aksana Russian Axana
Akshita Hindu
Akuti Hindu princess
Alaine The bright fair one, the beautiful child. Derived from a word that is used as a term of endearment by the Irish. The feminine form of Alan.
Alake Yoruban one petted
Alala Greek war goddess
Alameda Spanish A Poplar tree.
Alana Irish Gaelic The bright fair one, the beautiful child. Derived from a word that is used as a term of endearment by the Irish. The feminine form of Alan.
Alani Hawaiian An Orange tree.
Alankrita Hindu
Alanna The bright fair one, the beautiful child. Form of Alana.
Alaqua Native American A sweet Gum tree.
Alarice Teutonic The ruler of all. The feminine form of Alaric.
Alastrina Greek The protector of mankind. The feminine form of Alastair.
Alatea Spanish from Greek Truth.
Alavda French lark
Alazne Basque miracle
Alba Aboriginal A sand hill. Also see Albina.
Alberta Teutonic Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert, and also the name of a Canadian province.
Albina Latin A white lady, someone of very fair hair and colouring.
Albinka Latin blond
Alcina Greek Strong-minded. A sorceress in Greek mythology.
Alda Teutonic Wise and rich.
Aldabella Italian Beautiful. From Leda and Bell.
Aldara Greek A winged gift.
Aldea Teutonic rich
Aldercy Old English a chief
Aldonza Spanish Sweet.
Aldora Old English Of noble rank.
Alejandra Spanish The defender, or helper of mankind. Feminine form of Alexander. Also see Alexis.
Aleka Greek The defender, or helper of mankind. Form of Alexandra.
Aleksandra The defender, or helper of mankind. Feminine form of Alexander. Also see Alexis.
Aleksia Danish/Norwegian The defender, or helper of mankind. Feminine form of Alexander. Also see Alexis.
Alena A woman from the village of Magdala. From the name Magdalene. Also see Marlene.
Aleshanee Native American She plays all the time
Alessa Protector of mankind.
Alessandra Italian The defender, or helper of mankind. Form of Alexandra.
Alesti Les
Aleta The little winged one.
Alethea Greek Truthful.
Alex The defender, or helper of mankind. A form of Alexander, but also used as an independent name.
Alexa Protector of mankind.
Alexandra Greek The defender, or helper of mankind. Feminine form of Alexander. Also see Alexis.
Alexandria Defender of mankind.
Alexavia alex, xavia, lexa
Alexia The defender, or helper of mankind. Feminine forms of Alexis. Also see Alexandra.
Alexina The defender, or helper of mankind. Feminine forms of Alexis. Also see Alexandra.
Alexis Greek The protector and helper of mankind. A boy or girl's name.
Alfonsa Teutonic Noble and ready. Feminine form of Alphonse.
Alfreda Teutonic A wise counsellor. Feminine form of Alfred.
Algerine Woman from Algeria.
Ali Arabic Exalted, or noble. A boy or girl's name.
Alia Noble, descender.
Alice Greek/Teutonic Greek: The wise counsellor, or the truthful one. Teutonic: Noble. The name became popular after the publication of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland books. Also see Alicia and Alison.
Alicia Greek/Teutonic Greek: The wise counsellor, or the truthful one. Teutonic: Noble. A form of Alice, but often used as an independent name.
Alida Latin The little winged one.
Alike Nigerian girl who drives out beautiful women
Alima Arabic Skilled in dancing and music.
Alina Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Aline Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Alinga Aboriginal The sun.
Alisa Italian The wise counsellor, or the truthful one. Also see Alicia and Alison.
Alisha Greek/Teutonic Greek The wise counsellor, or the truthful one. Teutonic Noble. Also see Alicia and Alison.
Alison Old English The light of the sun. A boy or girl's name.
Alissa Truth, noble.
Alita Spanish noble
Alithia Greek/Teutonic Greek The wise counsellor, or the truthful one. Teutonic Noble. Also see Alicia and Alison.
Aliya Arabic/Hebrew Arabic: Sublime, exalted. Hebrew: To ascend.
Aliz Hungarian kind
Aliza Modern Jewish Joy.
Alize One who charms.
Alka Polish Noble, brilliant.
Alkina Aboriginal The moon.
Alkira Aboriginal The sky.
Allayna Llaynie, Allie
Allegra Italian/Spanish Cheerful, joyous.
Allene Attractive, peaceful.
Allie The defender, or helper of mankind. From the name Alexandra, Alice or Alison.
Allirea Aboriginal Quartz.
Allison Of noble birth.
Allora Aboriginal The place of the swamp. The name of a town in Queensland.
Allunga Aboriginal The sun.
Allyson Of noble birth.
Alma Latin/Celtic Latin: Of the soul. Celtic: Good.
Almeda Ambitious.
Almedha Welsh Shapely.
Almira Arabic Truth without question.
Alodia The light of the sun. Form of Alice.
Alodie Old English Wealthy, prosperous.
Aloha Hawaiian Greetings.
Alohi Hawaiian Brilliant.
Alona Hebrew From the Oak tree.
Alonsa Noble and ready. Feminine form of Alphonse.
Alonza Noble and ready. Feminine form of Alphonse.
Alouetta The little winged one.
Aloysia A famous warrior maiden. The feminine form of Louis.
Alpa Hindu
Alpha Greek The first one. First letter of the Greek alphabet.
Alta Latin Tall.
Altair Arabic, Greek bird, star
Althea Greek The healer, or wholesome.
Altheda Greek Flower-like.
Alula Latin A star in Ursa Major.
Aluma Hebrew A girl.
Alumit Hebrew secret
Alva Latin The white or blonde one. Also a nickname from Alvina.
Alvina Teutonic A beloved and noble friend. The feminine form of Alvin. Also see Elvina.
Alvira Latin/Teutonic Latin: The fair one. Teutonic: A true stranger.
Alvita Latin Vivacious, full of life.
Alyna Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Alysa Greek princess
Alysia Greek Possessive. Also see Alicia.
Alyson Of noble birth.
Alyssa Greek The sane one. Also a form of Alicia.
Alzena Arabic A woman.
Ama Ghanian Born on Saturday.
Amabel Latin Lovable, the sweet one. Also see Mabel.
Amadea Latin Beloved of God.
Amadi Nigerian general rejoicing, seemed destined to die at
Amadika Zimbabwean The beloved one.
Amadis Latin love of god
Amadora Italian The gift of love.
Amaia Basque end
Amala Arabic Hope. Also see Amelia.
Amalie Teutonic Industrious, striving. Also see Emily.
Amana Hebrew Faithful or loyal.
Amanda Latin Worthy of being loved.
Amandeep Hindu light of peace
Amandine Latin beloved
Amandla African Power.
Amani Arabic An aspiration, a desire.
Amara Greek Unfading or eternal beauty.
Amarante French flower name
Amaranth Greek An unfading flower.
Amarina Aboriginal Rain.
Amaris Hebrew God has promised.
Amaryllis Greek A shepherdess. Also a flower name.
Amata Italian/Spanish Beloved. Form of Amy.
Amazonia Greek Warlike. Also after the Amazon River.
Ambar Sanskrit Of the sky. A boy or girl's name.
Amber Arabic After the gemstone
Amberjill Old English
Amberley Hindu the sky
Ambika Hindi A mother.
Ambra Arabic After the gemstone
Ambria Bria, Amber, Ria
Ambrosine Greek The divine immortal one. The feminine form of Ambrose.
Amdis Latin immortal
Ameerah Arabic princess
Amelia Teutonic Industrious, striving. Also see Emily.
Amelinda Industrious, striving. Formed from Amelia and Linda.
Amena unknown honest woman
Ames Latin loves
Amethyst Greek The name of a semi-precious stone.
Ami Japanese friend
Amice Latin Friendship. Also see Amity.
Amina Arabic Honest, faithful.
Aminta Greek The protector.
Amira Arabic/Hebrew Arabic: A princess. Hebrew: Speech.
Amisha Hindu
Amissa Hebrew friend
Amita Hindu without limits
Amitola Native American rainbow
Amity Latin Friendship. Also see Amice.
Amoke Yoruban to pet her
Amorina Love.
Amorita Latin The little beloved one.
Amrita Sanskrit Immortal.
Amy Old French Beloved. Also a nickname from Amelia.
An Chinese/Vietnamese Chinese: Peace. Vietnamese: Safety.
Ana Russian from Greek She who will rise again.
Anabelle Latin Lovable
Anahid Armenian Goddess of the Moon
Anais Pure, chaste.
Anamika Hindu
Anan Arabic Of the, clouds.
Anana African Soft, gentle.
Ananda Sanskrit Joyful.
Anani Hawaiian orange tree
Anar Hindu Anaar
Anastasia Russian from Greek She who will rise again. The name of a 4th-century saint.
Anata Babylonian The goddess of the earth.
Anatola Greek From the east. The feminine form of Anatole, Anatholia, Anatolia.
Anaya Latin Anaia
Anca Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Ancelin Old French A spear attendant. The feminine form of Lancelot.
Anchoret Free from shame, or much loved.
Ancika Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Ancilla Latin A handmaiden.
Andea A woman of the Andes.
Andie Strong. The feminine form of Andrew or Andreas.
Andras Norwegian Breath.
Andraya trusted by God, royalty Ray, Rai, Raya
Andrea Greek Strong. The feminine form of Andrew or Andreas.
Andreana Latin womanly
Andria Italian love, joy
Andromache Greek/Teutonic From Shakespeare's play Troilus & Cressida
Andromeda Greek A ruler of men. A heroine of Greek legend, who was rescued from a sea monster by Perseus.
Andy Strong. The feminine form of Andrew or Andreas.
Aneira Welsh Truly golden. The feminine form of Aneurin.
Anemone Greek A wind flower. A mythological nymph who turned into a flower.
Aneya Neya
Anezka Czech Pure, chaste. Form of Agnes.
Angela Greek A heavenly messenger, an angel. Also see Angelica.
Angelica Latin The angelic one. Also a form of Angela and a plant name.
Angeni Native American spirit angel
Angevin French angel of wine
Angharad Welsh Free from shame, or much loved.
Angwen Welsh Very handsome.
Aniela Italian/Polish A heavenly messenger, an angel. Form of Angela.
Anika Very beautiful.
Anila Sanskrit Of the wind.
Anisa Arabic friendly
Anita Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Anitra A name created by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen for his play Peer Gynt.
Anjali Hindu
Anjana Hindu
Anka Aboriginal A barramundi. Also see Anne.
Ankareeda night star, graceful, shining Anka, Anki, Ank, Raida
Anke Hebrew grace
Ankita Hindu
Ann Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Ann-Margret From Anne and Margaret. Anne - Grace, or favoured by God. Margaret - A pearl.
Anna Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Annabel Combination of Anna (grace) and Belle (beautiful).
Annabeth unknown Anabeth
Annalise Gracious and consecrated to God.
Annalynn Annalynne, Analyn, Analynne, Annalisa
Annamaria Grace, or favoured by God. From Anna and Maria.
Annapurna Hindu one of the Hindu Goddesses
Annata Italian Grace, or favoured by God. Form of Anne.
Anne Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Anneliese German/Scandinavian From Anne and Liese. Anne - Grace, or favoured by God. Liese - Consecrated to God.
Annette Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Annice Old English Pure, chaste. Form of Agnes.
Annika Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Anninka Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Annissa Arabic Charming, gracious.
Annora Latin honor
Annunziata Italian The bearer of news.
Anona Latin Of the harvest.
Anoush Armenian Sweet.
Anselma Teutonic A divine helmet. The feminine form of Anselm.
Anshu Hindu
Anstice Russian from Greek The resurrected one. A boy or girl's name.
Anteia Greek A mythological figure.
Anthea Greek Flower-like.
Antigone Greek A name featured in mythology and implying strength of character.
Antionette Latin Flourishing, praiseworthy. From the name Antonia.
Antje German grace
Antoinette Beyond price, praiseworthy. The feminine form of Antony.
Antonia Latin Beyond price, praiseworthy. The feminine form of Antony.
Antonie Worthy of praise. Feminine form of Anthony.
Anupama Hindu
Anuradha Hindu a bright star
Anusia Greek/Polish Grace, or favoured by God. Forms of Anne.
Anusree Hindu pretty
Anvita Hindu
Anya Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning. Also see Annabel, Annamaria, Anneliese, Hannah, Nancy.
Anzu Japanese An apricot.
Aolani Hawaiian A heavenly cloud.
Apanie Aboriginal Water.
Apara Nigerian One who comes and goes.
Aparajita Hindu
Aparna Hindu same as Parvati
Aphra Hebrew Dust.
Aphrodite Greek The mythological goddess of beauty, love and fertility.
Apirka Gaelic pleasant
Apolline Greek The sun, sunlight.
Apollonia Greek Belonging to Apollo.
Aponi Native American butterfly
April Latin From April, the first month in the Roman calendar, and the beginning of spring.
Aqua Latin A gemstone and colour name. From the name Aquamarine.
Aquamarine Latin A colour name.
Aquaria Latin After the zodiac sign and constellation of Aquarius.
Aquene Native American peace
Arabella Latin A beautiful altar.
Arabelle German beautiful eagle
Araceli Latin alter of heaven
Arachne Greek A mythological maiden who was turned into a spider.
Araluen Aboriginal The place of waterlilies. A boy or girl's name.
Araminta Greek A beautiful, fragrant flower.
Arashel Hebrew strong and protected hill
Araxie Armenian river said to inspire poetic expression
Arcadia Greek After Arcady, a mountainous region of Greece.
Arda Armenian
Ardath Hebrew A field of flowers.
Ardelia Latin zealous
Ardelle Latin Warm and enthusiastic.
Arden Old English/Latin Old English: A dwelling place. Latin: Ardent and sincere. A boy or girl's name.
Ardere Latin fire
Ardine Warm and enthusiastic.
Ardis Warm and enthusiastic.
Arella Hebrew angel messenger
Areta Greek Virtuous, one of untarnished reputation.
Aretha Greek the best, nymph
Aretina Greek virtous
Arezou Persian Wishful.
Argenta Latin The silvery one.
Aria Latin A beautiful melody.
Ariadne Greek The holy one.
Ariana Like a beautiful melody.
Ariane The holy one.
Aricia Greek princess of the royal blood of Athens
Ariella Hebrew God's lioness.
Arielle Ethereal.
Ariene Welsh silvery
Arika Aboriginal A waterlily.
Arilda German A hearth maiden.
Arinya Aboriginal A kangaroo.
Arista Greek The best.
Ariza Hebrew A Cedar tree.
Arlene A modern name of uncertain origin.
Arlette Teutonic An eagle.
Arlynda Pledge.
Armada Spanish The armed one.
Armelle French/Celtic A princess.
Armilla Latin A bracelet.
Armina Teutonic A warrior maid. The feminine form of Herman. Also See Erma.
Armorel Gaelic the one who lives by the sea.
Armynel French A woman of the army. The feminine form of Armand.
Arnalda Teutonic Strong as an eagle. Feminine form of Arnold.
Arnurna Aboriginal A blue waterlily.
Aroha Maori love
Arora Aboriginal A cockatoo.
Arran The name of a Scottish island. A boy or girl's name.
Artemis Greek Perfect. The name of the Greek goddess of the moon and hunting.
Artemisia Greek belonging to artemis
Arti Indonesian A popular girl's name.
Aruna Sanskrit The dawn.
Arushi Hindu
Arva Greek An eagle.
Arziki African Hausa prosperity
Asa Hebrew/Japansese Hebrew: The healer, a physician. A biblical name. Japanese: The morning. A boy or girl's name.
Asella After St Asella, who was described as `a flower of the Lord'.
Asenette Hebrew
Asenka Hebrew graceful
Asha Sanskrit Hope.
Ashamed Hebrew Ashes
Ashima Hindu
Ashira Hebrew Wealthy.
Ashleigh Old English An Ash tree meadow or wood.
Ashley Old English From the Ash tree.
Ashling Irish Gaelic A vision or dream.
Ashrita Hindu
Asia Greek East
Asisa Hebrew Ripe.
Askini Hindu daughter of Prajapati Virat
Asmara An Ethiopian city.
Asmita Hindu pride
Aspasia Greek Welcome.
Assunta Italian From the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
Asta Greek/Old Norse A star. Also a short form of Astrid.
Aster Greek After the flower.
Astera Hebrew flower name
Astra Greek like a star
Astrea Greek Innocence. The Greek goddess of justice, who left earth and became a constellation.
Astrid Old Norse Divine strength.
Atalanta Greek The name of a swift runner in classical mythology.
Atara Hebrew a crown
Atarah Hebrew A crown. A boy or girl's name.
Athalia Hebrew God is exalted.
Athanasia Greek Immortal.
Athela Old English Noble.
Athena Greek A wise woman. After Athene, the Greek goddess of wisdom.
Atifa Arabic affection
Atin Indonesian A common girl's name.
Atiya Arabic A gift.
Atlanta Greek The name of a swift runner in classical mythology.
Atmaja Hindu daughter
Aubina A white lady, someone of very fair hair and colouring.
Aubine A white lady, someone of very fair hair and colouring.
Audlin pale, pallid
Audrey Old English Strong and noble, regal. A Shakespearian character in As You Like It.
Audun Norwegian deserted
Augusta Latin Majestic, or revered. The feminine form of Augustus.
Aundy Norwegian new prosperity
Aura Latin/Greek Latin A gentle breeze. Greek of the air.
Aure Greek breeze, soft-air
Aurelia Latin Golden.
Aurkene Basque presentation
Aurora Latin Daybreak. The goddess of the dawn.
Ausiana Aussi, Anna, Aussie
Autumn Latin autumn
Ava Greek An eagle.
Avalon The legendary island where King Arthur is supposedly buried. Also a Sydney placename.
Avani Hindu
Avanti Hindu ancient Malwa
Avantika Hindu
Avara Sanskrit The youngest.
Avasa Hindu independent
Avel Greek/Hebrew/Russian Breath. A boy or girl's name.
Aveline Old French From a placename. Also see Evelyn.
Avena Latin From the Oat field.
Aveolela Samoan rays of the sun
Avera Hebrew A transgressor.
Averah A transgressor.
Averil Old English The slayer of the boar.
Avery Old English The ruler of the elves. A boy or girl's name.
Avice French Warlike.
Avis Latin A bird. Also a variation of Avice.
Aviva Modern Jewish Of the springtime.
Avoca Irish A sweet valley.
Avril French From April, the first month in the Roman calendar, and the beginning of spring. French form of April.
Awsta Welsh Majestic, or revered. The Welsh form of Augusta.
Awusi Ghanian Born on a Sunday.
Axelia Greek protector of mankind
Axelle Teutonic The father of peace. The feminine form of Axel.
Ayala Modern Hebrew A deer.
Ayame Japanese Iris
Ayasha Muslim muhammads wife
Ayelin Ayla, Linn
Ayesha Life. The name of Mohamed?s third and favourite wife.
Ayiana American Indian eternal bllom
Ayita Native American worker
Ayla Hebrew oak tree
Aylwen Welsh A fair brow.
Ayse Turkish
Ayseg?l Turkish
Ayushi Hindu
Ayushmati Hindu person who has a long life
Azadeh Latin, Persian dry earth; detached, free of material things
Azalea Latin/Teutonic Latin Dry: Earth. Teutonic Noble: Cheer. Also a flower name.
Azalia Hebrew spared by jehovah
Azaria Hebrew Helped by God. A boy or girl's name.
Azarni Japanese A thistle flower.
Aziza Arabic The cherished one.
Azland Aza, Azalyn
Azra Arabic Virginal.
Azrael Az
Azura Old French From the Persian for blue sky.
Baako African first born
Babette The foreigner or stranger.
Bacia Ugandan family deaths ruined the home
Bageshwari Hindu
Baji joyful Jiji
Baka Hindu crane
Bakana Aboriginal A lookout.
Bakarne Basque solitude
Bala Sanskrit A young girl.
Balbina Latin strong, stammers
Bambalina Italian Little girl.
Bambi Child.
Banan Arabic fingertips
Bansari Hindu Bansuri
Bara Hebrew to choose
Barakah Arabic white one
Barb Latin The foreigner or stranger. From the name Barbara.
Barbara Latin The foreigner or stranger.
Barbie Latin The foreigner or stranger. From the name Barbara.
Bari French, Celtic, Welsh spear thrower, son of Harry, marksman
Barika Swahili Successful.
Barina Aboriginal The summit.
Barnadine Bold as a bear. From the name Bernard.
Barretta unknown a cap
Basha Hebrew, Greek, Polish daughter of God, stranger
Basia Polish The foreigner or stranger. From the name Barbara.
Basilia Greek Queenly, regal. The feminine form of Basil.
Basimah Arabic The smiling one.
Bates unknown
Bathilde Teutonic The commanding maiden of war.
Bathsheba Hebrew The daughter of the oath, or the seventh daughter. The wife of King David in the Bible.
Batyah Modern Hebrew The daughter of God.
Bayo Nigerian to find joy
Beata Latin Blessed.
Beatrice Latin The blessed one. She who brings joy. Beatrix was the name of a 4th-century saint.
Beatriz Blessed.
Beau French Handsome or beautiful. A boy or girl's name.
Bebe French baby
Beccalynn English Becca, Lyn, Becky
Beckie A heifer or a knotted cord.
Becky A heifer or a knotted cord.
Beda Old English A warrior maiden.
Bedelia Old English Strength.
Bega Aboriginal Beautiful. A town in New South Wales.
Begonia A flower name.
Behira Hebrew The brilliant one.
Bel Hindu sacred wood apple tree
Bela Hungarian The white one. A boy or girl's name.
Belda French A beautiful lady.
Belicia Spanish dedicated to god
Belina French A goddess.
Belinda Italian Beautiful.
Belita Spanish The beautiful one.
Belladonna Italian beautiful woman
Bellanca Greek stronghold
Belle French Beautiful. Also a nickname from Annabel, Arabella, Belinda, Isabel and Isabella.
Bellona Latin After the Roman goddess of war.
Belva Beautiful. Also a nickname from Annabel, Arabella, Belinda, Isabel and Isabella.
Belvia Beautiful. Also a nickname from Annabel, Arabella, Belinda, Isabel and Isabella.
Benedicta Latin Blessed. The feminine form of Benedict.
Benilda Latin Benign - of good intentions.
Benita Daughter of my right hand. Feminine form of Benedict.
Benquasha Native American daughter of Ben
Benta Hebrew The wise one.
Beranger French courage of a bear
Berdine Teutonic A glorious maiden.
Berenice Greek The bringer of victory. Also see Veronica.
Berit Old German bright, glorious
Bernadette French from Teutonic As brave as a bear. The feminine form of Bernard. Generally a Catholic name.
Bernadine Bold as a bear. From the name Bernard.
Bernia Old English A maiden of battle.
Bernice Brings victory.
Bernina After a peak in the Swiss Alps.
Berry Old English A fruit or berry. Also a nickname from Berenice and Bernadette.
Berta A bright or famous pledge. The feminine form of Gilbert.
Bertana Aboriginal The day.
Bertha Teutonic Bright and shining. Also see Roberta.
Berthilda Old English A shining warrior maid.
Berwyn Welsh Fair-haired, or a bright friend. A boy or girl's name.
Beryan Cornish The name of a saint.
Beryl Greek A precious green jewel.
Bess Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bessie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bessy Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Beta Czech dedicated to god
Beth Hebrew house of god
Bethan Welsh A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Bethany Hebrew A house of poverty. A placename from the New Testament.
Bethel Hebrew The house of God.
Bethesda Hebrew A house of mercy. A place mentioned in the Bible.
Bethia Hebrew The daughter of God.
Bethshaya English Beth, Shaya, Shay
Betrys Welsh The blessed one. She who brings joy. Form of Beatrice.
Betsey A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Betsy A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Bette Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bettie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bettina Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Betty Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Beulah Hebrew The married one. Also a biblical placename.
Beverley Old English From the stream of the beaver. Originally derived from a surname.
Beverly Old English From the stream of the beaver. A boy or girl's name.
Bevin Irish Gaelic Sweet voiced, melodious.
Bharati Hindu
Bhavya Hindu
Bhayana Hindu
Bhoomi Hindu earth
Bian Vietnamese Secretive, or hidden.
Bianca Italian Fair-haired, or of a fair complexion. Form of Blanche. Used by Shakespeare for characters in two of his plays.
Bibi Arabic A lady.
Biddy Irish Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget.
Bijal Hindu
Billie Teutonic A wise ruler or protector. Feminine form of Billy and William, and also a diminutive of Wilhelmina.
Bina Hebrew Intelligence, understanding. Also a Diminutive of Sabina.
Binda Aboriginal Deep water.
Bindiya Hindu
Binty Swahili Daughter
Birdie Modern English A little bird.
Birget Norwegian protecting
Birgit Scandinavian Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. Forms of Bridget.
Birgitta Scandinavian Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. Forms of Bridget.
Birgitte Scandinavian Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. Forms of Bridget.
Birkita Celtic strength
Blaine Irish Gaelic Thin. A boy or girl's name.
Blair Scottish Gaelic From the plain or field. A boy or girl's name.
Blaise Latin One who lisps or stammers. A boy or girl's name.
Blake Old English Fair-haired. A boy or girl's name.
Blanche Old French Fair-haired, or of a fair complexion. Also see Bianca and Blondelle.
Blanda Teutonic dazzling
Blaze A flame.
Blenda Beautiful. From the name Belinda.
Blinda Beautiful. From the name Belinda.
Bliss Old English Joy, gladness.
Blodwen Welsh White flower, or blessed flower.
Blondelle French The little blond or fair one. Also see Bianca and Blanche.
Blossom Old English A flower or bloom.
Bluma Old German a flower, bloom
Bly Native American high, tall
Blythe Old English Joyous and cheerful. A boy or girl's name.
Bo Old Norse/Chinese Old Norse: A householder. Chinese: Precious. A boy or girl's name.
Bo-Bae Korean treasure, precious
Bobbi Bright fame, famous. Feminine form of Robert. Also see Robin.
Bobbie Teutonic Famous, bright fame. A boy or girl's name.
Bobby Teutonic Famous, bright fame. A boy or girl's name.
Bodil Old Norse A battle maiden.
Bohdana Russian from god
Bona Latin Good.
Bonita Spanish Pretty.
Bonnie English/Scottish Fine, pretty. Also see Bonita.
Bonny English/Scottish Fine, pretty. Also see Bonita.
Borgny Norwegian help, new
Boronia A plant name.
Bracha Hebrew a blessing
Brandee Brandy, after dinner drink.
Brandi beacon light
Brandie Dutch Brandy, fine wine.
Brandy Dutch Brandy, fine wine. Also a feminine form of Brandon.
Branka Slowenian
Branwen Welsh Beautiful, or a holy raven.
Breda A city in the Netherlands.
Bree Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget and Briana, but also an independent name.
Brenda Old Norse A flaming sword.
Brenna Irish Gaelic Raven-haired.
Bretta Celtic from Britain
Briallen Welsh A Primrose.
Briana Celtic Noble, honourable. The feminine form of Brian.
Brianna See Brian.
Brianne See Brian.
Briar Middle English A thorny plant.
Bridget Irish Gaelic Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. St Brigid is one of Ireland's patron saints.
Bridgit Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget.
Brie Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget and Briana, but also an independent name.
Brier French heather
Brietta Celtic strong
Brigit Strong.
Brigitte French/German Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget.
Brilynn strength, casade
Brina Celtic protector
Briony A vine-like plant.
Brit From the name Britannia.
Britany From the name Brittania.
Brites Celtic strength
Britt A Swedish form of Bridget.
Brittania From Brittain, British.
Brittany Latin Britain. Also the name of a French province.
Brittnee From Britain.
Brodie Irish Gaelic A ditch. A boy or girl's name.
Bron African The source.
Brona Irish Sorrow.
Bronnen Cornish A rush.
Bronte English From the surname of the Bronte sisters, novelists Anne, Charlotte and Emily.
Bronwen Welsh White or fair breasted.
Bronwyn Welsh fair breast
Bronya Slavonic Armour, protection.
Brook Old English At the brook or stream. A boy or girl's name.
Brooke Old English At the brook or stream. A boy or girl's name.
Bruna Teutonic Brown, or dark-haired. The feminie form of the boy's name Bruno. Also see Bruella.
Brunella Teutonic/Italian Brown-haired. Also See Bruna.
Brunhilde Teutonic An armed warrior maiden. The name given to a warrior queen in Germanic legend.
Bryanne Strong one.
Brygid Polish Strength.
Brygida Irish Gaelic: Strong, spirited. An ancient. Celtic: Goddess. St Brigid is one of Ireland's patron saints.
Bryher Celtic The name of one of the Scilly Isles, off the coast of Cornwall.
Bryn Welsh A hill. A boy or girl's name.
Bryna Irish Strength.
Bryony Greek A vine-like plant.
Buena Spanish Good.
Buffy A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Bunny English A little rabbit.
Bunty English Originally used as a pet count, perhaps meaning a lamb.
Burdette Courageous.
Burilda Aboriginal A black swan.
Buttercup A flower name.
Butterfly A butterfly.
Babette The foreigner or stranger.
Bacia Ugandan family deaths ruined the home
Bageshwari Hindu
Baji joyful Jiji
Baka Hindu crane
Bakana Aboriginal A lookout.
Bakarne Basque solitude
Bala Sanskrit A young girl.
Balbina Latin strong, stammers
Bambalina Italian Little girl.
Bambi Child.
Banan Arabic fingertips
Bansari Hindu Bansuri
Bara Hebrew to choose
Barakah Arabic white one
Barb Latin The foreigner or stranger. From the name Barbara.
Barbara Latin The foreigner or stranger.
Barbie Latin The foreigner or stranger. From the name Barbara.
Bari French, Celtic, Welsh spear thrower, son of Harry, marksman
Barika Swahili Successful.
Barina Aboriginal The summit.
Barnadine Bold as a bear. From the name Bernard.
Barretta unknown a cap
Basha Hebrew, Greek, Polish daughter of God, stranger
Basia Polish The foreigner or stranger. From the name Barbara.
Basilia Greek Queenly, regal. The feminine form of Basil.
Basimah Arabic The smiling one.
Bates unknown
Bathilde Teutonic The commanding maiden of war.
Bathsheba Hebrew The daughter of the oath, or the seventh daughter. The wife of King David in the Bible.
Batyah Modern Hebrew The daughter of God.
Bayo Nigerian to find joy
Beata Latin Blessed.
Beatrice Latin The blessed one. She who brings joy. Beatrix was the name of a 4th-century saint.
Beatriz Blessed.
Beau French Handsome or beautiful. A boy or girl's name.
Bebe French baby
Beccalynn English Becca, Lyn, Becky
Beckie A heifer or a knotted cord.
Becky A heifer or a knotted cord.
Beda Old English A warrior maiden.
Bedelia Old English Strength.
Bega Aboriginal Beautiful. A town in New South Wales.
Begonia A flower name.
Behira Hebrew The brilliant one.
Bel Hindu sacred wood apple tree
Bela Hungarian The white one. A boy or girl's name.
Belda French A beautiful lady.
Belicia Spanish dedicated to god
Belina French A goddess.
Belinda Italian Beautiful.
Belita Spanish The beautiful one.
Belladonna Italian beautiful woman
Bellanca Greek stronghold
Belle French Beautiful. Also a nickname from Annabel, Arabella, Belinda, Isabel and Isabella.
Bellona Latin After the Roman goddess of war.
Belva Beautiful. Also a nickname from Annabel, Arabella, Belinda, Isabel and Isabella.
Belvia Beautiful. Also a nickname from Annabel, Arabella, Belinda, Isabel and Isabella.
Benedicta Latin Blessed. The feminine form of Benedict.
Benilda Latin Benign - of good intentions.
Benita Daughter of my right hand. Feminine form of Benedict.
Benquasha Native American daughter of Ben
Benta Hebrew The wise one.
Beranger French courage of a bear
Berdine Teutonic A glorious maiden.
Berenice Greek The bringer of victory. Also see Veronica.
Berit Old German bright, glorious
Bernadette French from Teutonic As brave as a bear. The feminine form of Bernard. Generally a Catholic name.
Bernadine Bold as a bear. From the name Bernard.
Bernia Old English A maiden of battle.
Bernice Brings victory.
Bernina After a peak in the Swiss Alps.
Berry Old English A fruit or berry. Also a nickname from Berenice and Bernadette.
Berta A bright or famous pledge. The feminine form of Gilbert.
Bertana Aboriginal The day.
Bertha Teutonic Bright and shining. Also see Roberta.
Berthilda Old English A shining warrior maid.
Berwyn Welsh Fair-haired, or a bright friend. A boy or girl's name.
Beryan Cornish The name of a saint.
Beryl Greek A precious green jewel.
Bess Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bessie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bessy Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Beta Czech dedicated to god
Beth Hebrew house of god
Bethan Welsh A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Bethany Hebrew A house of poverty. A placename from the New Testament.
Bethel Hebrew The house of God.
Bethesda Hebrew A house of mercy. A place mentioned in the Bible.
Bethia Hebrew The daughter of God.
Bethshaya English Beth, Shaya, Shay
Betrys Welsh The blessed one. She who brings joy. Form of Beatrice.
Betsey A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Betsy A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Bette Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bettie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Bettina Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Betty Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Beulah Hebrew The married one. Also a biblical placename.
Beverley Old English From the stream of the beaver. Originally derived from a surname.
Beverly Old English From the stream of the beaver. A boy or girl's name.
Bevin Irish Gaelic Sweet voiced, melodious.
Bharati Hindu
Bhavya Hindu
Bhayana Hindu
Bhoomi Hindu earth
Bian Vietnamese Secretive, or hidden.
Bianca Italian Fair-haired, or of a fair complexion. Form of Blanche. Used by Shakespeare for characters in two of his plays.
Bibi Arabic A lady.
Biddy Irish Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget.
Bijal Hindu
Billie Teutonic A wise ruler or protector. Feminine form of Billy and William, and also a diminutive of Wilhelmina.
Bina Hebrew Intelligence, understanding. Also a Diminutive of Sabina.
Binda Aboriginal Deep water.
Bindiya Hindu
Binty Swahili Daughter
Birdie Modern English A little bird.
Birget Norwegian protecting
Birgit Scandinavian Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. Forms of Bridget.
Birgitta Scandinavian Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. Forms of Bridget.
Birgitte Scandinavian Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. Forms of Bridget.
Birkita Celtic strength
Blaine Irish Gaelic Thin. A boy or girl's name.
Blair Scottish Gaelic From the plain or field. A boy or girl's name.
Blaise Latin One who lisps or stammers. A boy or girl's name.
Blake Old English Fair-haired. A boy or girl's name.
Blanche Old French Fair-haired, or of a fair complexion. Also see Bianca and Blondelle.
Blanda Teutonic dazzling
Blaze A flame.
Blenda Beautiful. From the name Belinda.
Blinda Beautiful. From the name Belinda.
Bliss Old English Joy, gladness.
Blodwen Welsh White flower, or blessed flower.
Blondelle French The little blond or fair one. Also see Bianca and Blanche.
Blossom Old English A flower or bloom.
Bluma Old German a flower, bloom
Bly Native American high, tall
Blythe Old English Joyous and cheerful. A boy or girl's name.
Bo Old Norse/Chinese Old Norse: A householder. Chinese: Precious. A boy or girl's name.
Bo-Bae Korean treasure, precious
Bobbi Bright fame, famous. Feminine form of Robert. Also see Robin.
Bobbie Teutonic Famous, bright fame. A boy or girl's name.
Bobby Teutonic Famous, bright fame. A boy or girl's name.
Bodil Old Norse A battle maiden.
Bohdana Russian from god
Bona Latin Good.
Bonita Spanish Pretty.
Bonnie English/Scottish Fine, pretty. Also see Bonita.
Bonny English/Scottish Fine, pretty. Also see Bonita.
Borgny Norwegian help, new
Boronia A plant name.
Bracha Hebrew a blessing
Brandee Brandy, after dinner drink.
Brandi beacon light
Brandie Dutch Brandy, fine wine.
Brandy Dutch Brandy, fine wine. Also a feminine form of Brandon.
Branka Slowenian
Branwen Welsh Beautiful, or a holy raven.
Breda A city in the Netherlands.
Bree Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget and Briana, but also an independent name.
Brenda Old Norse A flaming sword.
Brenna Irish Gaelic Raven-haired.
Bretta Celtic from Britain
Briallen Welsh A Primrose.
Briana Celtic Noble, honourable. The feminine form of Brian.
Brianna See Brian.
Brianne See Brian.
Briar Middle English A thorny plant.
Bridget Irish Gaelic Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. St Brigid is one of Ireland's patron saints.
Bridgit Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget.
Brie Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget and Briana, but also an independent name.
Brier French heather
Brietta Celtic strong
Brigit Strong.
Brigitte French/German Strong, spirited. An ancient Celtic goddess. From the name Bridget.
Brilynn strength, casade
Brina Celtic protector
Briony A vine-like plant.
Brit From the name Britannia.
Britany From the name Brittania.
Brites Celtic strength
Britt A Swedish form of Bridget.
Brittania From Brittain, British.
Brittany Latin Britain. Also the name of a French province.
Brittnee From Britain.
Brodie Irish Gaelic A ditch. A boy or girl's name.
Bron African The source.
Brona Irish Sorrow.
Bronnen Cornish A rush.
Bronte English From the surname of the Bronte sisters, novelists Anne, Charlotte and Emily.
Bronwen Welsh White or fair breasted.
Bronwyn Welsh fair breast
Bronya Slavonic Armour, protection.
Brook Old English At the brook or stream. A boy or girl's name.
Brooke Old English At the brook or stream. A boy or girl's name.
Bruna Teutonic Brown, or dark-haired. The feminie form of the boy's name Bruno. Also see Bruella.
Brunella Teutonic/Italian Brown-haired. Also See Bruna.
Brunhilde Teutonic An armed warrior maiden. The name given to a warrior queen in Germanic legend.
Bryanne Strong one.
Brygid Polish Strength.
Brygida Irish Gaelic: Strong, spirited. An ancient. Celtic: Goddess. St Brigid is one of Ireland's patron saints.
Bryher Celtic The name of one of the Scilly Isles, off the coast of Cornwall.
Bryn Welsh A hill. A boy or girl's name.
Bryna Irish Strength.
Bryony Greek A vine-like plant.
Buena Spanish Good.
Buffy A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Bunny English A little rabbit.
Bunty English Originally used as a pet count, perhaps meaning a lamb.
Burdette Courageous.
Burilda Aboriginal A black swan.
Buttercup A flower name.
Butterfly A butterfly.
Cade Pure.
Cadee Pure.
Cadence Latin Rhythmic.
Cadrian Rhian
Caelyn loved forever Cay
Cai Vietnamese
Cailin Gaelic A girl.
Caimile African A family is born.
Cairine Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cairistiona Scottish Gaelic A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cait Irish Gaelic Pure, virginal.
Caitlin Irish Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caitlyn Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caitrin Irish Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caja Cornish A daisy.
Cala Arabic castle
Calandra Greek A lark.
Calantha Greek A beautiful blossom.
Caledonia Latin A woman from Scotland.
Calendre Greek
Caley Irish Gaelic Slender. A boy or girl's name.
Calida Latin Warns and loving.
Calista Greek The most beautiful one.
Calix Very handsome.
Calixte Very beautiful.
Calla Greek Beautiful.
Callan German chatter
Callia French Beautiful.
Callidora Greek The gift of beauty.
Calliope Greek A beautiful voice. The muse of poetry in Greek mythology.
Callista Most beautiful.
Callisto Greek/Latin Greek: A mythological nymph. Latin: The beautiful little one.
Caltha Latin yellow flower
Calypso Greek A legendary sea nymph. Also a West Indian style of music.
Cam Vietnamese, English orange fruit, sweet, beloved, referring to the sun
Cambria Latin An ancient name for Wales.
Camelai Latin flower name
Camellia A flower name.
Cameo Italian An engraved gem.
Camilla Latin From a Roman family name, possibly meaning noble.
Camille Latin Virginal, unblemished character. Also from a Roman family name. A boy or girl's name.
Camira Aboriginal Of the wind.
Canace Greek The daughter of the wind.
Candace English/Latin Possibly meaning brilliant white or clarity. The name of several queens of Ethiopia, and mentioned in the Bible.
Candice Possibly meaning brilliant white or clarity. From the name Candace.
Candida Latin White.
Candide Dazzling white.
Candie Possibly meaning brilliant white From the name Candace.
Candra Latin Luminescent.
Candy English The sweet one. Also a nickname from Candace and Candida.
Cantara Arabic small bridge
Caoimhe Celtic gentleness, beauty, grace
Capri Italian island.
Caprice Italian Unpredictable, whimsical.
Cara Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Caragh Irish Love.
Carajean sweet melody Cari
Caralee From Cara and Lee. Cara - Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one. Lee - A meadow or a clearing.
Caralyn From Cara and Lynn. Cara - Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one. Lynn - A waterfall.
Cardinia Aboriginal The dawn.
Caren Pure. Also see Catherine, Karen and Kathleen.
Carensa Love.
Carenza Love.
Caresse Beloved.
Carew Latin run
Carey Irish/Celtic/Cornish Irish: The name of a castle. Celtic: From the river. Cornish: The loved one. A boy or girl's name.
Carha A pillar stone.
Cari Turkish flows like water
Carin Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carina Aboriginal A bride. Also see Cara.
Carine Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carissa Latin The most beloved one.
Carla A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carleigh German freeholder
Carlen Teutonic woman
Carley A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlie A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlin Cornish/IrishGaelic Cornish: From the fort by the pool. Irish Gaelic: The little champion. A boy or girl's name.
Carlina Italian A free person.
Carling Old English hill wehre old women or witches gather
Carlota A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlotta A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carly A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carmel Hebrew A garden or orchard.
Carmela Italian A garden or orchard.
Carmelita Spanish A garden or orchard.
Carmen Spanish A garden or orchard.
Carmine A garden or orchard.
Carmita A garden or orchard.
Carna Arabic horn
Carnation A flower name.
Carnelian The name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Carol A free person.
Carolena Little and womanly.
Caroline A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carolyn From the name Carol and Linda. Carol - A free person. Lyn - A waterfall.
Caron French pure
Carreen English A character in Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind. Also see Cara.
Carrie English A free person.
Carrieann Gracious and womanly.
Carrigan Gaelic
Carrington Old English beautiful
Carryl Welsh Love. Also see Carol.
Cary Irish/Celtic/Cornish Irish: The name of a castle. Celtic: From the river. Cornish: The loved one. A boy or girl's name.
Caryn Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carys Welsh The beloved one.
Cascadia Greek Cassie, Cass, Cassi, Cassee
Casey Irish Gaelic The vigilant one. A boy or girl's name.
Casilda Latin of the home
Casondra Not to be believed.
Cassandra Greek In legend, a Trojan princess with the gift of prophecy.
Cassia Hebrew From the Cassia tree, a variety of cinnamon. Also see Kezia.
Cassiel Latin angel of saturday, the earthy mother
Casta Latin Pure and modest.
Castalia Greek A mythological figure.
Catalin Wizard.
Catalina Spanish Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catalonia Spanish A region of Spain.
Catarina Portuguese Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catava African name from a proverb
Caterina Italian Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathay An archaic name for China.
Cathee Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catherine Greek Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathie Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathleen Irish Pure, virginal. Also see Catherine.
Cathlene Irish Pure, virginal. Also see Catherine.
Cathy Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catrin Welsh Pure.
Catriona Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cauvery Hindu Cavery
Cayla Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cayleigh Gaelic party
Ceana God is gracious.
Cecania German free
Cecia Seesha, Sessi
Cecile Blind.
Cecilia Latin The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Cecily Irish The blind one, or the sixth. .
Ceinwen Welsh Blessed and fair.
Celandia Greek the swallow
Celandine A flower name.
Celena Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celene Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celeste Latin Heavenly.
Celestyn Polish Heaven.
Celia The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Celie French The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Celina Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celine Greek The goddess of the moon.
Cerdwin Celtic the mother Goddess
Cerelia Latin of the spring
Ceres Latin The Roman goddess of corn and tillage.
Ceridwen Welsh Fair poetry.
Cerise French Cherry red.
Chaitaly Hindu
Chaitra Hindu aries sign
Chalsie Seaport.
Chana Gracious.
Chanah Hebrew grace
Chance Old French A church official or chancellor. A boy or girl's name.
Chandani Sanskrit name of the goddess devi
Chandi Sanskrit angry name of goddess sakti
Chandra Sanskrit A shining moon. A boy or girl's name.
Chane Hindu, Swahili name of a god, dependability
Chanel French The name of a famous perfume.
Chantal French From a family name meaning stone or boulder. The name has also come to mean a little singer.
Chantel Rocky land or singer.
Charis Greek Grace, the graceful one.
Charisma Greek grace
Charissa Greek grace
Charisse Grace, beauty, kindness.
Charity Latin Loving and benevolent. One of the three Graces in Greek mythology.
Charla Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlee Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charleen A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charleigh Man.
Charlene A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charline Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlot Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlotte Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charmaine Greek Delightful.
Charmian Latin From Shakespeare's play Antony & Cleopatra.
Charo A free person. From the name Carol.
Charu Hindu
Chastity Latin Pure and chaste.
Chavi Female child.
Chay Old German man
Chaya Hebrew life
Chaylen Aylen
Chelle Like the Lord. A feminine form of Michael. Also see Michaela.
Chelsa Harbour.
Chelsea From the name of a fashionable London suburb.
Chelsi Seaport.
Chelsia Harbour.
Chenoa Native American A white dove.
Cher French The beloved one.
Cheri The beloved one.
Cherie Beloved.
Cherilyn English Derived from Cher or Cheryl and Lynn. Cher and Cheryl - The beloved one. Lynn - A Waterfall.
Cherise Greek grace
Cherish Old French The treasured one.
Cherlin The beloved one.
Cherry The beloved one. Also a fruit name.
Cheryl The beloved one.
Chesna Slavonic Peaceful.
Chevonne Irish Gaelic Form of Jane and Judith. Jane - God is gracious. Judith - A woman from Judea.
Chhavvi Hindu
Chhaya Hindu shadow
Chiara Italian Bright and famous. The name of an Irish county. Also See Clarice.
Chika Japanese near
Chilali Native American snowbird
Chimalis Native American bluebird
Chipo African gift
Chiquita Spanish The little one.
Chitra Hindu portrait
Chitrangda Hindu
Chizu Japanese A thousand storks. A name which implies longevity.
Chloe Greek A fertile young maiden.
Chloris Greek A plant lover.
Cho Japanese/Korean A butterfly. Korean beautiful.
Choden Tibetan/Sherpa The devout one.
Chow Chinese Summer.
Chrissy Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christa Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christabel English Beautiful Christian. Derived from Christina and Belle.
Christal Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christea Bearing Christ. From the name Christa.
Christel Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christelle Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christian Latin A follower of Christ. A Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Christiana Christian, anointed.
Christie Irish/Scottish A follower of Christ, a Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Christina Latin A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Christine Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christmas Old English Born at Christmas time. A boy or girl's name.
Christy Irish/Scottish A follower of Christ, a Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Chruse Greek golden, the golden one
Chrysantha A flower name. From Chrysanthemum - Greek for a golden flower.
Chrysilla Greek Golden-haired.
Chyou Chinese autumn
Ciannait Irish ancient
Ciar Irish saint's name
Ciara Irish Gaelic A spear.
Cicely The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Cicily The blind one, or the sixth. .
Cilla From a Roman family name. From the name Priscilla, but also an independent name.
Cinderella French A maiden of the cinders or ashes.
Cindy A maiden of the cinders or ashes. From the name Cinderella, Cynthia and Lucinda (See Lucy), but also used as an independent name.
Cindylou A maiden of the cinders or ashes. From Cindy and Louise.
Cinnabar Greek Red. A colour name and also the name of a mineral.
Cinnamon Hebrew A spice name.
Circe Greek witch-goddess, seductive
Cissy The blind one, or the sixth. .
Claiborne Old English born of the earth
Claire French Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clara Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarabelle Latin/French Bright and beautiful. From Clan and Belle.
Clare Latin Bright and famous. The name of an Irish county. Also See Clarice.
Clarice French from Latin The little brilliant one. Also See Clue.
Clarinda Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarine Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarissa Brilliant.
Claudia Latin The lame one. The feminine form of Claude.
Clematis Greek A climbing plant. A flower name.
Clemence Latin Mild, merciful.
Clementine Merciful.
Cleo Glory of the father. The queen of Egypt from 47-30 BC.
Cleomenes From Shakespeare's play Winter's Tale.
Cleopatra Greek Glory of the father. The queen of Egypt from 47-30 BC.
Cleta Glory of the father.
Cleva Old English From the cliff. Feminine form of Clive.
Cliantha Greek A glorious flower.
Clio Greek The glorious one. The muse of history in Greek mythology. Also see Cleopatra.
Clodagh Irish From the name of a river.
Clodia The lame one. The feminine form of Claude.
Clorinda Persian Of renowned beauty.
Cloris A plant lover.
Clotilda Teutonic Famous battle maiden.
Clove A nail.
Clover Old English A flower name.
Clymene Greek Renowned.
Cochiti Spanish forgotten
Cody Old English A pillow or cushion. A boy or girl's name.
Colenso Cornish From the dark pool.
Colette French The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Colleen Irish Gaelic A girl.
Colletta The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Collette The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Columba Latin Dove-like. The name of a 6th-century Irish saint. Also see Calum and Coleman. A boy or girl's name.
Columbia Old English a dove
Columbine A flower name. Also see Columba.
Concepcion Latin/Spanish Latin: The beginning. Spanish: A name that relates to the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception.
Concordia Latin The harmonious one.
Conncetta Conny
Connie Steadfast, constant.
Constance Latin Steadfast, constant.
Consuela Latin The consoler or comforter.
Consuelo Spanish Consolation.
Coorah Aboriginal A woman.
Cora Greek A maiden.
Corabelle A combination of Con and Belle, meaning a beautiful maiden.
Coral Latin From the sea.
Coralia Greek Like coral.
Coralie Little maiden.
Corazon Spanish The heart. Often used in the Philippines.
Corbin A raven.
Cordelia Celtic A jewel of the sea.
Coreen Aboriginal The end of the hills.
Corentine Little Cora.
Corey Celtic/Gaelic Dweller in the hollow. A boy or girl's name.
Corin Cornish/Latin Cornish: From the corner. Latin: The name of a Roman deity, possibly meaning a spear. Also from Shakespeare's play As You Like It. A boy or girl's name.
Corina A maiden.
Corinda Cori
Corine A maiden.
Corinna A maiden.
Corinne A maiden.
Corliss Old English The cheerful one.
Cornelia Latin A horn. The feminine form of Cornelius.
Cornelian The name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Corona Latin A town.
Corowa Aboriginal A rocky river.
Corrine A maiden.
Cory Helmet. A boy or girl's name.
Cosette Victorious people.
Cosima Greek Perfect order.
Cossette French Of the victorious.
Courtney Old French The short-nosed one, or frons a placename. A boy or girl's name.
Crescent Old French one who creates
Cressida Greek The golden one. A Shakespearian character.
Crisiant Welsh Like a crystal. A boy or girl's name.
Crispina Latin The curly-haired one. Feminine form of Crispin.
Cristin A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristina A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristine A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristiona Irish Gaelic A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristy Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Crystal Greek Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Cuyler Celtic chapel
Cybele French The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cybil The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cybill The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cynara Greek thistle
Cyndi Of the moon.
Cynere Greek An artichoke or thistle.
Cynthia Greek Of the moon. An alternative name for the Greek moon goddess, Artemis.
Cypriana Greek A woman from Cyprus.
Cyprien French cypriot
Cyrena Greek A woman from Cyrene, an ancient Greek colony in North Africa.
Cyrene Greek name of a mythological nymph
Cyrilla Greek Lordly or proud one. Feminine form of Cyril.
Cytheria Latin venus
Cyzarine Russian royalty
Cadee Pure.
Cadence Latin Rhythmic.
Cadrian Rhian
Caelyn loved forever Cay
Cai Vietnamese
Cailin Gaelic A girl.
Caimile African A family is born.
Cairine Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cairistiona Scottish Gaelic A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cait Irish Gaelic Pure, virginal.
Caitlin Irish Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caitlyn Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caitrin Irish Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Caja Cornish A daisy.
Cala Arabic castle
Calandra Greek A lark.
Calantha Greek A beautiful blossom.
Caledonia Latin A woman from Scotland.
Calendre Greek
Caley Irish Gaelic Slender. A boy or girl's name.
Calida Latin Warns and loving.
Calista Greek The most beautiful one.
Calix Very handsome.
Calixte Very beautiful.
Calla Greek Beautiful.
Callan German chatter
Callia French Beautiful.
Callidora Greek The gift of beauty.
Calliope Greek A beautiful voice. The muse of poetry in Greek mythology.
Callista Most beautiful.
Callisto Greek/Latin Greek: A mythological nymph. Latin: The beautiful little one.
Caltha Latin yellow flower
Calypso Greek A legendary sea nymph. Also a West Indian style of music.
Cam Vietnamese, English orange fruit, sweet, beloved, referring to the sun
Cambria Latin An ancient name for Wales.
Camelai Latin flower name
Camellia A flower name.
Cameo Italian An engraved gem.
Camilla Latin From a Roman family name, possibly meaning noble.
Camille Latin Virginal, unblemished character. Also from a Roman family name. A boy or girl's name.
Camira Aboriginal Of the wind.
Canace Greek The daughter of the wind.
Candace English/Latin Possibly meaning brilliant white or clarity. The name of several queens of Ethiopia, and mentioned in the Bible.
Candice Possibly meaning brilliant white or clarity. From the name Candace.
Candida Latin White.
Candide Dazzling white.
Candie Possibly meaning brilliant white From the name Candace.
Candra Latin Luminescent.
Candy English The sweet one. Also a nickname from Candace and Candida.
Cantara Arabic small bridge
Caoimhe Celtic gentleness, beauty, grace
Capri Italian island.
Caprice Italian Unpredictable, whimsical.
Cara Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Caragh Irish Love.
Carajean sweet melody Cari
Caralee From Cara and Lee. Cara - Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one. Lee - A meadow or a clearing.
Caralyn From Cara and Lynn. Cara - Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one. Lynn - A waterfall.
Cardinia Aboriginal The dawn.
Caren Pure. Also see Catherine, Karen and Kathleen.
Carensa Love.
Carenza Love.
Caresse Beloved.
Carew Latin run
Carey Irish/Celtic/Cornish Irish: The name of a castle. Celtic: From the river. Cornish: The loved one. A boy or girl's name.
Carha A pillar stone.
Cari Turkish flows like water
Carin Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carina Aboriginal A bride. Also see Cara.
Carine Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carissa Latin The most beloved one.
Carla A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carleigh German freeholder
Carlen Teutonic woman
Carley A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlie A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlin Cornish/IrishGaelic Cornish: From the fort by the pool. Irish Gaelic: The little champion. A boy or girl's name.
Carlina Italian A free person.
Carling Old English hill wehre old women or witches gather
Carlota A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carlotta A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carly A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carmel Hebrew A garden or orchard.
Carmela Italian A garden or orchard.
Carmelita Spanish A garden or orchard.
Carmen Spanish A garden or orchard.
Carmine A garden or orchard.
Carmita A garden or orchard.
Carna Arabic horn
Carnation A flower name.
Carnelian The name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Carol A free person.
Carolena Little and womanly.
Caroline A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Carolyn From the name Carol and Linda. Carol - A free person. Lyn - A waterfall.
Caron French pure
Carreen English A character in Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind. Also see Cara.
Carrie English A free person.
Carrieann Gracious and womanly.
Carrigan Gaelic
Carrington Old English beautiful
Carryl Welsh Love. Also see Carol.
Cary Irish/Celtic/Cornish Irish: The name of a castle. Celtic: From the river. Cornish: The loved one. A boy or girl's name.
Caryn Irish Gaelic/Cornish/Italian Irish Gaelic: A friend. Cornish: Love. Italian: The beloved one.
Carys Welsh The beloved one.
Cascadia Greek Cassie, Cass, Cassi, Cassee
Casey Irish Gaelic The vigilant one. A boy or girl's name.
Casilda Latin of the home
Casondra Not to be believed.
Cassandra Greek In legend, a Trojan princess with the gift of prophecy.
Cassia Hebrew From the Cassia tree, a variety of cinnamon. Also see Kezia.
Cassiel Latin angel of saturday, the earthy mother
Casta Latin Pure and modest.
Castalia Greek A mythological figure.
Catalin Wizard.
Catalina Spanish Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catalonia Spanish A region of Spain.
Catarina Portuguese Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catava African name from a proverb
Caterina Italian Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathay An archaic name for China.
Cathee Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catherine Greek Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathie Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cathleen Irish Pure, virginal. Also see Catherine.
Cathlene Irish Pure, virginal. Also see Catherine.
Cathy Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Catrin Welsh Pure.
Catriona Gaelic Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cauvery Hindu Cavery
Cayla Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Cayleigh Gaelic party
Ceana God is gracious.
Cecania German free
Cecia Seesha, Sessi
Cecile Blind.
Cecilia Latin The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Cecily Irish The blind one, or the sixth. .
Ceinwen Welsh Blessed and fair.
Celandia Greek the swallow
Celandine A flower name.
Celena Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celene Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celeste Latin Heavenly.
Celestyn Polish Heaven.
Celia The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Celie French The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Celina Greek The goddess of the moon.
Celine Greek The goddess of the moon.
Cerdwin Celtic the mother Goddess
Cerelia Latin of the spring
Ceres Latin The Roman goddess of corn and tillage.
Ceridwen Welsh Fair poetry.
Cerise French Cherry red.
Chaitaly Hindu
Chaitra Hindu aries sign
Chalsie Seaport.
Chana Gracious.
Chanah Hebrew grace
Chance Old French A church official or chancellor. A boy or girl's name.
Chandani Sanskrit name of the goddess devi
Chandi Sanskrit angry name of goddess sakti
Chandra Sanskrit A shining moon. A boy or girl's name.
Chane Hindu, Swahili name of a god, dependability
Chanel French The name of a famous perfume.
Chantal French From a family name meaning stone or boulder. The name has also come to mean a little singer.
Chantel Rocky land or singer.
Charis Greek Grace, the graceful one.
Charisma Greek grace
Charissa Greek grace
Charisse Grace, beauty, kindness.
Charity Latin Loving and benevolent. One of the three Graces in Greek mythology.
Charla Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlee Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charleen A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charleigh Man.
Charlene A free person. A feminine form of Charles, Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charline Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlot Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charlotte Womanly, full grown. Also see Carla, Carol and Caroline.
Charmaine Greek Delightful.
Charmian Latin From Shakespeare's play Antony & Cleopatra.
Charo A free person. From the name Carol.
Charu Hindu
Chastity Latin Pure and chaste.
Chavi Female child.
Chay Old German man
Chaya Hebrew life
Chaylen Aylen
Chelle Like the Lord. A feminine form of Michael. Also see Michaela.
Chelsa Harbour.
Chelsea From the name of a fashionable London suburb.
Chelsi Seaport.
Chelsia Harbour.
Chenoa Native American A white dove.
Cher French The beloved one.
Cheri The beloved one.
Cherie Beloved.
Cherilyn English Derived from Cher or Cheryl and Lynn. Cher and Cheryl - The beloved one. Lynn - A Waterfall.
Cherise Greek grace
Cherish Old French The treasured one.
Cherlin The beloved one.
Cherry The beloved one. Also a fruit name.
Cheryl The beloved one.
Chesna Slavonic Peaceful.
Chevonne Irish Gaelic Form of Jane and Judith. Jane - God is gracious. Judith - A woman from Judea.
Chhavvi Hindu
Chhaya Hindu shadow
Chiara Italian Bright and famous. The name of an Irish county. Also See Clarice.
Chika Japanese near
Chilali Native American snowbird
Chimalis Native American bluebird
Chipo African gift
Chiquita Spanish The little one.
Chitra Hindu portrait
Chitrangda Hindu
Chizu Japanese A thousand storks. A name which implies longevity.
Chloe Greek A fertile young maiden.
Chloris Greek A plant lover.
Cho Japanese/Korean A butterfly. Korean beautiful.
Choden Tibetan/Sherpa The devout one.
Chow Chinese Summer.
Chrissy Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christa Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christabel English Beautiful Christian. Derived from Christina and Belle.
Christal Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christea Bearing Christ. From the name Christa.
Christel Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christelle Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Christian Latin A follower of Christ. A Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Christiana Christian, anointed.
Christie Irish/Scottish A follower of Christ, a Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Christina Latin A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Christine Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Christmas Old English Born at Christmas time. A boy or girl's name.
Christy Irish/Scottish A follower of Christ, a Christian. A boy or girl's name.
Chruse Greek golden, the golden one
Chrysantha A flower name. From Chrysanthemum - Greek for a golden flower.
Chrysilla Greek Golden-haired.
Chyou Chinese autumn
Ciannait Irish ancient
Ciar Irish saint's name
Ciara Irish Gaelic A spear.
Cicely The blind one, or the sixth. The feminine form of Cecil. Also see Sheila.
Cicily The blind one, or the sixth. .
Cilla From a Roman family name. From the name Priscilla, but also an independent name.
Cinderella French A maiden of the cinders or ashes.
Cindy A maiden of the cinders or ashes. From the name Cinderella, Cynthia and Lucinda (See Lucy), but also used as an independent name.
Cindylou A maiden of the cinders or ashes. From Cindy and Louise.
Cinnabar Greek Red. A colour name and also the name of a mineral.
Cinnamon Hebrew A spice name.
Circe Greek witch-goddess, seductive
Cissy The blind one, or the sixth. .
Claiborne Old English born of the earth
Claire French Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clara Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarabelle Latin/French Bright and beautiful. From Clan and Belle.
Clare Latin Bright and famous. The name of an Irish county. Also See Clarice.
Clarice French from Latin The little brilliant one. Also See Clue.
Clarinda Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarine Bright and famous. Also See Clarice.
Clarissa Brilliant.
Claudia Latin The lame one. The feminine form of Claude.
Clematis Greek A climbing plant. A flower name.
Clemence Latin Mild, merciful.
Clementine Merciful.
Cleo Glory of the father. The queen of Egypt from 47-30 BC.
Cleomenes From Shakespeare's play Winter's Tale.
Cleopatra Greek Glory of the father. The queen of Egypt from 47-30 BC.
Cleta Glory of the father.
Cleva Old English From the cliff. Feminine form of Clive.
Cliantha Greek A glorious flower.
Clio Greek The glorious one. The muse of history in Greek mythology. Also see Cleopatra.
Clodagh Irish From the name of a river.
Clodia The lame one. The feminine form of Claude.
Clorinda Persian Of renowned beauty.
Cloris A plant lover.
Clotilda Teutonic Famous battle maiden.
Clove A nail.
Clover Old English A flower name.
Clymene Greek Renowned.
Cochiti Spanish forgotten
Cody Old English A pillow or cushion. A boy or girl's name.
Colenso Cornish From the dark pool.
Colette French The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Colleen Irish Gaelic A girl.
Colletta The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Collette The people's victory. The feminine form of Nicholas.
Columba Latin Dove-like. The name of a 6th-century Irish saint. Also see Calum and Coleman. A boy or girl's name.
Columbia Old English a dove
Columbine A flower name. Also see Columba.
Concepcion Latin/Spanish Latin: The beginning. Spanish: A name that relates to the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception.
Concordia Latin The harmonious one.
Conncetta Conny
Connie Steadfast, constant.
Constance Latin Steadfast, constant.
Consuela Latin The consoler or comforter.
Consuelo Spanish Consolation.
Coorah Aboriginal A woman.
Cora Greek A maiden.
Corabelle A combination of Con and Belle, meaning a beautiful maiden.
Coral Latin From the sea.
Coralia Greek Like coral.
Coralie Little maiden.
Corazon Spanish The heart. Often used in the Philippines.
Corbin A raven.
Cordelia Celtic A jewel of the sea.
Coreen Aboriginal The end of the hills.
Corentine Little Cora.
Corey Celtic/Gaelic Dweller in the hollow. A boy or girl's name.
Corin Cornish/Latin Cornish: From the corner. Latin: The name of a Roman deity, possibly meaning a spear. Also from Shakespeare's play As You Like It. A boy or girl's name.
Corina A maiden.
Corinda Cori
Corine A maiden.
Corinna A maiden.
Corinne A maiden.
Corliss Old English The cheerful one.
Cornelia Latin A horn. The feminine form of Cornelius.
Cornelian The name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Corona Latin A town.
Corowa Aboriginal A rocky river.
Corrine A maiden.
Cory Helmet. A boy or girl's name.
Cosette Victorious people.
Cosima Greek Perfect order.
Cossette French Of the victorious.
Courtney Old French The short-nosed one, or frons a placename. A boy or girl's name.
Crescent Old French one who creates
Cressida Greek The golden one. A Shakespearian character.
Crisiant Welsh Like a crystal. A boy or girl's name.
Crispina Latin The curly-haired one. Feminine form of Crispin.
Cristin A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristina A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristine A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristiona Irish Gaelic A follower of Christ, a Christian.
Cristy Bearing Christ. From the name Christopher.
Crystal Greek Clear as ice. A gemstone name.
Cuyler Celtic chapel
Cybele French The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cybil The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cybill The prophetess. From Greek mythology.
Cynara Greek thistle
Cyndi Of the moon.
Cynere Greek An artichoke or thistle.
Cynthia Greek Of the moon. An alternative name for the Greek moon goddess, Artemis.
Cypriana Greek A woman from Cyprus.
Cyprien French cypriot
Cyrena Greek A woman from Cyrene, an ancient Greek colony in North Africa.
Cyrene Greek name of a mythological nymph
Cyrilla Greek Lordly or proud one. Feminine form of Cyril.
Cytheria Latin venus
Cyzarine Russian royalty
Daba Hebrew kind words, bee swarm
Dabria Latin name of an angel
Dacey Gaelic The southerner. A boy or girl's name.
Dacia Greek A woman from Dacia, an ancient European country.
Dacio French from arcy
Dade unknown
Dae Korean Greatness.
Daffodil English from Greek The asphodel. A flower name.
Dagmar Old Norse A maiden of the day, or glorious day.
Dagna Old Norse A new day.
Dagny Norwegian day, brightness, new day, Dane's joy
Dahlia English From the flower, named after the Swedish botanist, Dahl.
Dai Welsh/Japanese Welsh: The beloved, the adored one. Japanese: Great. A boy or girl's name.
Daisy Old English The day's eye. A flower name. Also a nickname from Margaret.
Dakin Danish Danish
Daksha Hindu
Dale Teutonic/Old English A valley dweller. A boy or girl's name.
Dalia A branch, bough.
Dalila Swahili Gentle.
Dallas Celtic Skilled, or from the field of water. Also a city in Texas. A boy or girl's name.
Damalis Greek one who gentles
Damara Greek gentle girl
Damaris Greek Gentle. A New Testament name.
Dame German lady
Damiana Greek Tame, domesticated. The feminine form of Damian/Damon.
Damini Hindu lightning
Damita Spanish The little noble lady.
Damosel Old English A damsel, or young unmarried woman.
Dana Old English/Czech Old English: From Denmark. Czech: God is my judge. A boy or girl's name.
Danae Greek The mother of Perseus in Greek mythology.
Dani My judge.
Danica Slavic the morning star
Daniela God is my judge.
Danielle Hebrew God is my judge. The feminine form of Daniel.
Danika Slavonic The morning star.
Danniell God is my judge.
Danu Gaelic The goddess of fruitfulness.
Danuta Polish A little deer. Also see Dana.
Daphne Greek The laurel. In Greek mythology, the name of a nymph who was transformed into a Laurel tree.
Dara Irish Gaelic/Hebrew Irish: A son of oak. Hebrew: Compassion, wisdom. A boy or girl's name.
Daralis Old English beloved
Daray unknown dark
Darby Irish Gaelic/Middle English Irish Gaelic: Free from envy. Middle English: The deer settlement. A boy or girl's name.
Darcie Old French An old Norman family name.
Daria Greek Wealthy. The feminine form of Darius.
Darinka Slowenian
Darlene English from Old French The little darling, the beloved one. Also see Darrelle.
Darra Gaelic, Farsi small great one, riches
Darrelle Old French The beloved one. The feminine form of Darrell. Also see Darlene.
Darrene English The Great one. The feminine form of Darren.
Darri Aboriginal A track.
Dasha Greek gift of god
Davan Irish The beloved, the adored one. Feminine form of David.
Davida The beloved, the adored one. Feminine form of David.
Davina Hebrew The beloved one. The feminine form of David. Also see Vida.
Davine Hebrew the loved
Dawa Tibetan/Sherpa Born on a Monday. A boy or girl's name.
Dawn English Daybreak, dawn.
Daya Hebrew bird
Dayla Hebrew to draw water, branch or bough
Dayle A valley dweller. A boy or girl's name.
Deana The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
Deanna The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
Deanne The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
Debbie The bee, an industrious woman.
Debby The bee, an industrious woman.
Deborah Hebrew The bee, an industrious woman. A biblical name.
Debra The bee, an industrious woman.
Dechen Tibetan/Sherpa Health and happiness.
Decima Latin The tenth.
Dee From the name Audrey, Deirdre, Delia, Diana. Audrey - Strong and noble, regal. Deirdre - Sorrow. Delia - A woman from the island of Delos. Diana - The divine one.
Deena Hindu
Deepali Hindu
Deepika Hindu a little light
Deepti Hindu
Deeta The lost one.
Deianira Greek wife of heracles
Deidra Sorrowful, wanderer.
Deiene Basque religious holiday
Deiondre Valley.
Deirdre Celtic Sorrow. The name of a character from Irish legend.
Deja French before
Delanna Italian soft as wool
Delbin Greek dolphin, flower name
Delcine Sweet.
Delfina Dolphin.
Delia Greek A woman from the island of Delos. Also another name for Artemis, the Greek moon goddess. Also See Cordelia and Della.
Delicia Latin Delight.
Delila Hair or poor.
Delilah Hebrew The beautiful temptress. The lover of Samson in the Bible.
Dell English From the dell or hollow. A boy or girl's name.
Della English A woman from the island of Delos. Probably derived from Delia or Delilah and Ella. Also a diminutive of Adele and Adelaide.
Delma Spanish Of the sea.
Delphine Latin A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
Delta Greek The fourth, as in fourth child.
Delvene A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
Delvine A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
Delwyn Old English/Welsh Old English: A friend from the valley. Welsh: Neat and fair. A boy or girl's name.
Delyth Welsh Neat and pretty.
Dembe Ugandan peace
Demelza Cornish From a placename. The heroine of Winston Graham's Poldark novels.
Demetria Greek From the goddess of fertility.
Demi Latin Half. Also see Demetria.
Dena Old English From the valley. Feminine form of Dean.
Denise French from Greek A lover of wine. The feminine form of Denis/Dennis.
Dep Vietnamese beautiful
Derica Beloved leader.
Derryth Welsh Of the Oak.
Dervla Irish Gaelic The daughter of the poet.
Desana Longed for.
Desdemona Greek Ill-fated. A Shakespearian character murdered by her husband Othello.
Desiree Latin The desired one.
Desma Greek A pledge.
Despina Greek
Desta Ethiopian Happiness.
Destinee French destiny
Destry French war horse
Deva Celestial spirit.
Devaki Hindu black, mother of Krishna
Devi Breton/Sanskrit Breton: The beloved, the adored one. Sanskrit: Godlike, a goddess. A boy or girl's name.
Devika Sanskrit A little goddess.
Devnet Swedish home of the Danes
Devona Old English From the county of Devon.
Devora Jewish The bee, an industrious woman.
Devorah Jewish The bee, an industrious woman.
Devore The bee, an industrious woman.
Dextra Latin Skilful, dexterous. The feminine form of Dexter.
Dharmista Hindu
Diamanta French from Latin Adamant, like a diamond.
Diana Latin The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
Diane French The divine one. .
Dianne The divine one. .
Diantha Greek A divine flower.
Dianthe Flower of the Gods.
Diarria Greek Didi
Dido Greek The name of a queen of Carthage.
Didrika Teutonic The people's ruler.
Diella Latin worships god
Dierdre Celtic young girl, one who rages, broken-hearted
Dietlinde German
Dieuwertje unknown
Diki Tibetan/Sherpa Healthy and wealthy.
Dikranouhi Armenian queen
Dilek Turkish
Dillian Latin worshipped one
Dilys Welsh True, steadfast.
Dimity Greek From the cotton material.
Dina Irish Gaelic From the name Dean. Latin: A soldier. Tuetonic: Merciful.
Dinah Hebrew Judgment. A biblical name.
Dione Greek A lover of wine. From Dionysus, the mythological God of wine and drama. A boy or girl's name.
Dionne The divine one. .
Dionyza Latin From Shakespeare's play Pericles.
Dirran Arabic
Disa Greek Double.
Dita The lost one.
Diva Latin A goddess.
Divya Hindu heavenly, brilliant
Dixie French The tenth. Also a girl from the American south.
Dobrila Slavonic Kind, good.
Dodie Hebrew Beloved. Also see Dorothy.
Doe unknown Dee Dee, Didi
Dohna Tibetan/Sherpa A female deity.
Dolkar Tibetan/Sherpa The name of a Buddhist Goddess.
Dollie The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dolly The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dolores Spanish Sorrow. Derived from the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary.
Dominga Spanish Sunday
Dominica Latin Belonging to the lord. The feminine form of Dominic.
Dominique Of God.
Donalda Scottish Gaelic The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
Donata Latin Given by God, a gift.
Donella The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
Donelle The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
Donla Irish Gaelic The brown lady.
Donna Italian A lady. A short form of Madonna.
Dooriya English the sea
Dora Greek A gift. Originally a short form of Dorothy and Theodora, but now also used as an independent name.
Dorcas Greek A gazelle, a doe. Also see Tabitha.
Dore French Golden.
Doreen A gift. Originally a short form of Dorothy and Theodora, but now also used as an independent name.
Doria Greek place name
Dorinda Greek gift of god, beautiful one
Doris Greek A woman from Doria, or from the ocean. A Greek goddess of the sea.
Dorota Greek, Spanish God's gift
Dorothea Dutch The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dorothy Greek The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dot The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dotty The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Douce French Gentle, sweet.
Dova Teutonic Peace, a dove.
Dreama Greek joyous music
Drew Celtic Courageous. A boy or girl's name.
Drina Spanish helper and defender of mankind
Drisana Hindu daughter of the sun
Dristi Hindu sight, a form of the Devi
Druella Teutonic An elfin vision.
Drusilla Latin From an old Roman family name.
Druti Hindu
Duana Irish Gaelic A little dark maiden.
Duena Spanish A chaperone.
Dulce Sweet.
Dulcea Sweet.
Dulcie Latin Sweet.
Dulcina Rose.
Dulcinea Sweet.
Durga Sanskrit Unattainable. A mythological Hindu goddess.
Dusana Czech A spirit, a soul.
Dusty Warrior. Feminine form of Dustin.
Dyan The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
Dyana The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
Dyani Native American A deer.
Dyanne The divine one. .
Dymphna Irish Gaelic A fawn.
Dyna Greek Powerful. Also see Dinah.
Dysis Greek sunset
Dysthe Greek
Dabria Latin name of an angel
Dacey Gaelic The southerner. A boy or girl's name.
Dacia Greek A woman from Dacia, an ancient European country.
Dacio French from arcy
Dade unknown
Dae Korean Greatness.
Daffodil English from Greek The asphodel. A flower name.
Dagmar Old Norse A maiden of the day, or glorious day.
Dagna Old Norse A new day.
Dagny Norwegian day, brightness, new day, Dane's joy
Dahlia English From the flower, named after the Swedish botanist, Dahl.
Dai Welsh/Japanese Welsh: The beloved, the adored one. Japanese: Great. A boy or girl's name.
Daisy Old English The day's eye. A flower name. Also a nickname from Margaret.
Dakin Danish Danish
Daksha Hindu
Dale Teutonic/Old English A valley dweller. A boy or girl's name.
Dalia A branch, bough.
Dalila Swahili Gentle.
Dallas Celtic Skilled, or from the field of water. Also a city in Texas. A boy or girl's name.
Damalis Greek one who gentles
Damara Greek gentle girl
Damaris Greek Gentle. A New Testament name.
Dame German lady
Damiana Greek Tame, domesticated. The feminine form of Damian/Damon.
Damini Hindu lightning
Damita Spanish The little noble lady.
Damosel Old English A damsel, or young unmarried woman.
Dana Old English/Czech Old English: From Denmark. Czech: God is my judge. A boy or girl's name.
Danae Greek The mother of Perseus in Greek mythology.
Dani My judge.
Danica Slavic the morning star
Daniela God is my judge.
Danielle Hebrew God is my judge. The feminine form of Daniel.
Danika Slavonic The morning star.
Danniell God is my judge.
Danu Gaelic The goddess of fruitfulness.
Danuta Polish A little deer. Also see Dana.
Daphne Greek The laurel. In Greek mythology, the name of a nymph who was transformed into a Laurel tree.
Dara Irish Gaelic/Hebrew Irish: A son of oak. Hebrew: Compassion, wisdom. A boy or girl's name.
Daralis Old English beloved
Daray unknown dark
Darby Irish Gaelic/Middle English Irish Gaelic: Free from envy. Middle English: The deer settlement. A boy or girl's name.
Darcie Old French An old Norman family name.
Daria Greek Wealthy. The feminine form of Darius.
Darinka Slowenian
Darlene English from Old French The little darling, the beloved one. Also see Darrelle.
Darra Gaelic, Farsi small great one, riches
Darrelle Old French The beloved one. The feminine form of Darrell. Also see Darlene.
Darrene English The Great one. The feminine form of Darren.
Darri Aboriginal A track.
Dasha Greek gift of god
Davan Irish The beloved, the adored one. Feminine form of David.
Davida The beloved, the adored one. Feminine form of David.
Davina Hebrew The beloved one. The feminine form of David. Also see Vida.
Davine Hebrew the loved
Dawa Tibetan/Sherpa Born on a Monday. A boy or girl's name.
Dawn English Daybreak, dawn.
Daya Hebrew bird
Dayla Hebrew to draw water, branch or bough
Dayle A valley dweller. A boy or girl's name.
Deana The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
Deanna The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
Deanne The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology. Also feminine forms of Dean.
Debbie The bee, an industrious woman.
Debby The bee, an industrious woman.
Deborah Hebrew The bee, an industrious woman. A biblical name.
Debra The bee, an industrious woman.
Dechen Tibetan/Sherpa Health and happiness.
Decima Latin The tenth.
Dee From the name Audrey, Deirdre, Delia, Diana. Audrey - Strong and noble, regal. Deirdre - Sorrow. Delia - A woman from the island of Delos. Diana - The divine one.
Deena Hindu
Deepali Hindu
Deepika Hindu a little light
Deepti Hindu
Deeta The lost one.
Deianira Greek wife of heracles
Deidra Sorrowful, wanderer.
Deiene Basque religious holiday
Deiondre Valley.
Deirdre Celtic Sorrow. The name of a character from Irish legend.
Deja French before
Delanna Italian soft as wool
Delbin Greek dolphin, flower name
Delcine Sweet.
Delfina Dolphin.
Delia Greek A woman from the island of Delos. Also another name for Artemis, the Greek moon goddess. Also See Cordelia and Della.
Delicia Latin Delight.
Delila Hair or poor.
Delilah Hebrew The beautiful temptress. The lover of Samson in the Bible.
Dell English From the dell or hollow. A boy or girl's name.
Della English A woman from the island of Delos. Probably derived from Delia or Delilah and Ella. Also a diminutive of Adele and Adelaide.
Delma Spanish Of the sea.
Delphine Latin A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
Delta Greek The fourth, as in fourth child.
Delvene A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
Delvine A woman from Delphi or a flower name from delphinium.
Delwyn Old English/Welsh Old English: A friend from the valley. Welsh: Neat and fair. A boy or girl's name.
Delyth Welsh Neat and pretty.
Dembe Ugandan peace
Demelza Cornish From a placename. The heroine of Winston Graham's Poldark novels.
Demetria Greek From the goddess of fertility.
Demi Latin Half. Also see Demetria.
Dena Old English From the valley. Feminine form of Dean.
Denise French from Greek A lover of wine. The feminine form of Denis/Dennis.
Dep Vietnamese beautiful
Derica Beloved leader.
Derryth Welsh Of the Oak.
Dervla Irish Gaelic The daughter of the poet.
Desana Longed for.
Desdemona Greek Ill-fated. A Shakespearian character murdered by her husband Othello.
Desiree Latin The desired one.
Desma Greek A pledge.
Despina Greek
Desta Ethiopian Happiness.
Destinee French destiny
Destry French war horse
Deva Celestial spirit.
Devaki Hindu black, mother of Krishna
Devi Breton/Sanskrit Breton: The beloved, the adored one. Sanskrit: Godlike, a goddess. A boy or girl's name.
Devika Sanskrit A little goddess.
Devnet Swedish home of the Danes
Devona Old English From the county of Devon.
Devora Jewish The bee, an industrious woman.
Devorah Jewish The bee, an industrious woman.
Devore The bee, an industrious woman.
Dextra Latin Skilful, dexterous. The feminine form of Dexter.
Dharmista Hindu
Diamanta French from Latin Adamant, like a diamond.
Diana Latin The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
Diane French The divine one. .
Dianne The divine one. .
Diantha Greek A divine flower.
Dianthe Flower of the Gods.
Diarria Greek Didi
Dido Greek The name of a queen of Carthage.
Didrika Teutonic The people's ruler.
Diella Latin worships god
Dierdre Celtic young girl, one who rages, broken-hearted
Dietlinde German
Dieuwertje unknown
Diki Tibetan/Sherpa Healthy and wealthy.
Dikranouhi Armenian queen
Dilek Turkish
Dillian Latin worshipped one
Dilys Welsh True, steadfast.
Dimity Greek From the cotton material.
Dina Irish Gaelic From the name Dean. Latin: A soldier. Tuetonic: Merciful.
Dinah Hebrew Judgment. A biblical name.
Dione Greek A lover of wine. From Dionysus, the mythological God of wine and drama. A boy or girl's name.
Dionne The divine one. .
Dionyza Latin From Shakespeare's play Pericles.
Dirran Arabic
Disa Greek Double.
Dita The lost one.
Diva Latin A goddess.
Divya Hindu heavenly, brilliant
Dixie French The tenth. Also a girl from the American south.
Dobrila Slavonic Kind, good.
Dodie Hebrew Beloved. Also see Dorothy.
Doe unknown Dee Dee, Didi
Dohna Tibetan/Sherpa A female deity.
Dolkar Tibetan/Sherpa The name of a Buddhist Goddess.
Dollie The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dolly The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dolores Spanish Sorrow. Derived from the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary.
Dominga Spanish Sunday
Dominica Latin Belonging to the lord. The feminine form of Dominic.
Dominique Of God.
Donalda Scottish Gaelic The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
Donata Latin Given by God, a gift.
Donella The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
Donelle The ruler of the world. The feminine form of Donald.
Donla Irish Gaelic The brown lady.
Donna Italian A lady. A short form of Madonna.
Dooriya English the sea
Dora Greek A gift. Originally a short form of Dorothy and Theodora, but now also used as an independent name.
Dorcas Greek A gazelle, a doe. Also see Tabitha.
Dore French Golden.
Doreen A gift. Originally a short form of Dorothy and Theodora, but now also used as an independent name.
Doria Greek place name
Dorinda Greek gift of god, beautiful one
Doris Greek A woman from Doria, or from the ocean. A Greek goddess of the sea.
Dorota Greek, Spanish God's gift
Dorothea Dutch The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dorothy Greek The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dot The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Dotty The gift of God. Also see Dora and Theodora.
Douce French Gentle, sweet.
Dova Teutonic Peace, a dove.
Dreama Greek joyous music
Drew Celtic Courageous. A boy or girl's name.
Drina Spanish helper and defender of mankind
Drisana Hindu daughter of the sun
Dristi Hindu sight, a form of the Devi
Druella Teutonic An elfin vision.
Drusilla Latin From an old Roman family name.
Druti Hindu
Duana Irish Gaelic A little dark maiden.
Duena Spanish A chaperone.
Dulce Sweet.
Dulcea Sweet.
Dulcie Latin Sweet.
Dulcina Rose.
Dulcinea Sweet.
Durga Sanskrit Unattainable. A mythological Hindu goddess.
Dusana Czech A spirit, a soul.
Dusty Warrior. Feminine form of Dustin.
Dyan The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
Dyana The divine one. The goddess of hunting and the moon in Roman mythology.
Dyani Native American A deer.
Dyanne The divine one. .
Dymphna Irish Gaelic A fawn.
Dyna Greek Powerful. Also see Dinah.
Dysis Greek sunset
Dysthe Greek
Eartha Old English Of the earth.
Easter Old English From the holiday.
Ebba Old English From the rich fortress.
Ebere African mercy
Eberta Teutonic Bright, brilliant.
Ebony Greek A black wood.
Ebrel Cornish From April, the first month in the Roman calendar, and the beginning of spring. Cornish form of April.
Echo Greek A repeating round. The name of a nymph in Greek mythology.
Eda Old English Rich, prosperous.
Edalene Noble, King.
Edaline Noble, King.
Edana Gaelic Fiery.
Edda Old English rich
Edeline German Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Eden Hebrew/Old English Hebrew: The place of pleasure (from the Garden of Eden). Old English: A bear cub. A boy or girl's name.
Edena Hawaiian Renewal, rejuvenation.
Edeva Old English A rich gift.
Edina A prosperous friend. The feminine form of Edwin.
Edith Old English Prosperity, or a gift.
Edlyn Old English A noble maiden.
Edme Scottish Protector. A variation of Esme, and the feminine form of Edmund.
Edmonda Old English A rich protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Edna Hebrew Renewal, rejuvenation.
Edolie Old English noble
Edrea Old English Prosperous, powerful.
Edria Hebrew mighty
Edwerdina Old English A prosperous guardian. The female form of Edward.
Edwina Old English A prosperous friend. The feminine form of Edwin.
Edythe Prosperity, or a gift.
Eerin Aboriginal A small grey owl.
Effie Of good reputation.
Effy Of good reputation.
Efia Ghanese born on tuesday
Efrosini Hebrew a fawn or a bird
Efterpi Greek pretty in face
Egeria Greek A wise adviser.
Eglantine Old French A flower name, from Old French.
Eiddwen Welsh The beloved fair one.
Eileen Irish Gaelic The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Eilis Irish Gaelic A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Eir Old Norse The name of the goddess of healing.
Eira Welsh Snow.
Eireen Peace.
Eirena Peace.
Eirene Peace.
Eirian Welsh Silver.
Eirwen Welsh As white as snow.
Eithne Irish Gaelic Ardent, fiery. Also see Aine and Ena.
Ekala Aboriginal A lake.
Ekaterina Russian Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Ekta Hindu
Ela Old English Elfin, a fairy maiden. Also a diminutive of Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ellen and Helen.
Elaine English From the Old French form of Helen.
Elana A tree.
Elanora Aboriginal A home by the sea.
Elata Latin Exalted, of high birth.
Elberta Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elbertina Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elbertine Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elda Italian A battle maiden.
Eldora Spanish The golden one.
Eleanor Old French The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Electra Greek Brilliant.
Elena Italian/Portuguese/Spanish The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Eleni Greek The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Elenna A tree.
Eleora Hebrew the lord is my light
Elephteria Freedom.
Eleri Welsh The name of a river.
Elexus Latin Elex, Lex, Lexus
Elfreda Noble and ready. Feminine form of Alphonse.
Elga The holy one.
Eliane Latin From the Greek word for sun.
Elida The little winged one.
Elie The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elina Greek, Hindu pure, intelligent
Elinor The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elinore The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Eliora Hebrew God is my light.
Elisa Spanish dedicated to God
Elisabeth Consecrated to God.
Elise French Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elisha Hebrew God is my salvation. The successor of Elijah in the Bible. A boy or girl's name.
Eliska Czech truthful
Elissa Greek Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elita Old French The little winged one or the chosen one.
Elizabeth Hebrew Consecrated to God. A name from the Bible. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elke The defender, or helper of mankind. Form of Alexandra.
Ella Old English Elfin, a fairy maiden. Also a diminutive of Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ellen and Helen.
Ellamay A combination of Ella and May.
Elle French She, a woman.
Ellema African Milking a cow.
Ellen The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Elli The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Ellice Greek Jehovah is God. The feminine form of Elias.
Ellie The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Ellin Aboriginal To move.
Ellinor The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elly The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Elma Greek Pleasant, amiable.
Elmas Armenian A diamond.
Elmira Old English Noble.
Elodia Wealthy, prosperous.
Elodie Wealthy, prosperous.
Eloise Teutonic Healthy.
Elouera Aboriginal From the pleasant place.
Elrica German The ruler of all.
Elsa A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Else Hebrew concecrated to god
Elsie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elspeth Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Eluned Welsh A waterfall.
Elvan Turkish
Elvina Old English The friend of the elves.
Elvira Latin/Teutonic Latin: The fair one. Teutonic: A true stranger.
Elysa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elyse Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elyshia The light of the sun. A form of Alice, but often used as an independent name.
Elysia Latin Blissful.
Elyssa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elzira Portuguese Form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Ema Polynesian beloved
Emalia Latin flirt
Emanuel God is with us.
Emanuela Hebrew god is with us
Emanuele God in humankind.
Ember Old English smoldering remains of a fire
Emelda A floret.
Emelia Industrious. Also see Amelia.
Emer Irish Gaelic A traditional name.
Emerald A gemstone name.
Emilia Ambitious, industrious.
Emilie Ambitious, industrious.
Emily Teutonic Industrious. Also see Amelia.
Emina Latin A noble or lofty maiden.
Emma Teutonic The healer of the universe.
Emmanuel Hebrew God is with us. A boy or girl's name.
Emmanuelle Hebrew God is with us. Feminine form of Emmanuel.
Emmet Old English Industrious. A boy or girl's name.
Emmett Truth.
Emmuna Hebrew
Emmylou From Emily and Louise. Emily - Industrious. Louise - A famous warrior maiden.
Emogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Emogene Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Ena Irish Gaelic Ardent. A variation of Eithne.
Enda Irish Gaelic Bird-like. A boy or girl's name.
Endocia Greek Of unquestionable reputation.
Endora Hebrew A fountain.
Engelberta Teutonic A bright angel.
Engracia Spanish Graceful.
Enid Celtic A pure soul.
Ennor Cornish From the boundary. A boy or girl's name.
Enola Native American magnolia
Enora Greek Light.
Enrica Italian/Spanish The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. Also see Harriet.
Enya Irish
Enye Yiddish grace
Enys Celtic From the island. Also see Innes.
Eranthe Greek A flower of spring.
Erasma Greek amiable
Erena Peace.
Erene Peace.
Erianthe Greek sweet as many flowers
Erica Old Norse A powerful ruler. The feminine form of Eric.
Erika German/Scandinavian A powerful ruler. The feminine form of Eric.
Erin Irish Gaelic From Ireland. A boy or girl's name.
Eris Greek The goddess of discord.
Erlina Celtic girl from Ireland
Erline Old English A noblewoman. The feminine form of Earl.
Erma Teutonic A maiden of the army. The feminine form of Herman. Also See Armina.
Ermine Old French From the name of the fur.
Ernestine Teutonic Serious, earnest. The feminine form of Ernest.
Erwina Teutonic An honourable friend.
Eryn Irish Gaelic From Ireland.
Erzsebet Hebrew devoted to God
Eskarne Spanish merciful
Esme Protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Esmeralda Spanish Spanish expression meaning Emerald.
Esmerelda Protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Esperance Latin Hope.
Esperanza Spanish hope
Esta Italian From the east.
Estefania Spanish A garland or crown. The feminine form of Stephen.
Estelle French from Latin A star. Also see Esther and Stella.
Ester Spanish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Esther Hebrew A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Etain Irish Shining, bright.
Etana Hebrew Determination.
Etania Native American wealthy
Eternity Everlasting.
Ethel Teutonic A noble maiden.
Ethelda Noble in counsel.
Etienette French from Greek A garland or crown. Feminine form of Etienne. Also see Stephanie.
Etsu Japanese Delight.
Etta The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. A4, See Harriet.
Ettie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. A4, See Harriet.
Euclea Greek Glory.
Eudocia Of unquestionable reputation.
Eudocie Of unquestionable reputation.
Eudora Greek A wonderful gift.
Eugenia Greek Noble, wellborn. The feminine form of Eugene.
Eulalia Greek The well-spoken one.
Euna Scottish Also see Juno.
Eunice Greek Victorious.
Euphemia Greek Of good reputation.
Euphrasia Greek Joy, delight.
Euphrosyne Greek joy
Eurwen Welsh Fair.
Eurydice Greek The goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology.
Eustacia Greek Fruitful. The feminine form of Eustace.
Eva Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evadine Greek from greek mythology
Evadne Greek Fortunate.
Evana East European God is gracious. .
Evangelia Greek one who brings good news
Evangeline Greek The bearer of good news.
Evania Greek Peaceful, tranquil.
Evanthe Greek flower
Eve Hebrew Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evelina Hebrew lifegiving
Evelyn English From an old surname, but also related to Eve. A boy or girl's name.
Everild Old English The slayer of the boar. A boy or girl's name.
Everilda The slayer of the boar.
Evette From the name Yvonne. The feminine form of Yves. The little archer.
Evie Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evita Spanish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evonne French/Greek French: An archer. Greek: The wood of the Yew tree.
Ewa Polish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Eyota Native American The greatest.
Easter Old English From the holiday.
Ebba Old English From the rich fortress.
Ebere African mercy
Eberta Teutonic Bright, brilliant.
Ebony Greek A black wood.
Ebrel Cornish From April, the first month in the Roman calendar, and the beginning of spring. Cornish form of April.
Echo Greek A repeating round. The name of a nymph in Greek mythology.
Eda Old English Rich, prosperous.
Edalene Noble, King.
Edaline Noble, King.
Edana Gaelic Fiery.
Edda Old English rich
Edeline German Noble and kind. Also see Adele.
Eden Hebrew/Old English Hebrew: The place of pleasure (from the Garden of Eden). Old English: A bear cub. A boy or girl's name.
Edena Hawaiian Renewal, rejuvenation.
Edeva Old English A rich gift.
Edina A prosperous friend. The feminine form of Edwin.
Edith Old English Prosperity, or a gift.
Edlyn Old English A noble maiden.
Edme Scottish Protector. A variation of Esme, and the feminine form of Edmund.
Edmonda Old English A rich protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Edna Hebrew Renewal, rejuvenation.
Edolie Old English noble
Edrea Old English Prosperous, powerful.
Edria Hebrew mighty
Edwerdina Old English A prosperous guardian. The female form of Edward.
Edwina Old English A prosperous friend. The feminine form of Edwin.
Edythe Prosperity, or a gift.
Eerin Aboriginal A small grey owl.
Effie Of good reputation.
Effy Of good reputation.
Efia Ghanese born on tuesday
Efrosini Hebrew a fawn or a bird
Efterpi Greek pretty in face
Egeria Greek A wise adviser.
Eglantine Old French A flower name, from Old French.
Eiddwen Welsh The beloved fair one.
Eileen Irish Gaelic The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Eilis Irish Gaelic A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Eir Old Norse The name of the goddess of healing.
Eira Welsh Snow.
Eireen Peace.
Eirena Peace.
Eirene Peace.
Eirian Welsh Silver.
Eirwen Welsh As white as snow.
Eithne Irish Gaelic Ardent, fiery. Also see Aine and Ena.
Ekala Aboriginal A lake.
Ekaterina Russian Pure. From the name Catherine or Katherine. Also used as an independent name.
Ekta Hindu
Ela Old English Elfin, a fairy maiden. Also a diminutive of Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ellen and Helen.
Elaine English From the Old French form of Helen.
Elana A tree.
Elanora Aboriginal A home by the sea.
Elata Latin Exalted, of high birth.
Elberta Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elbertina Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elbertine Noble and illustrious. The feminine form of Albert.
Elda Italian A battle maiden.
Eldora Spanish The golden one.
Eleanor Old French The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Electra Greek Brilliant.
Elena Italian/Portuguese/Spanish The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Eleni Greek The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Elenna A tree.
Eleora Hebrew the lord is my light
Elephteria Freedom.
Eleri Welsh The name of a river.
Elexus Latin Elex, Lex, Lexus
Elfreda Noble and ready. Feminine form of Alphonse.
Elga The holy one.
Eliane Latin From the Greek word for sun.
Elida The little winged one.
Elie The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elina Greek, Hindu pure, intelligent
Elinor The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elinore The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Eliora Hebrew God is my light.
Elisa Spanish dedicated to God
Elisabeth Consecrated to God.
Elise French Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elisha Hebrew God is my salvation. The successor of Elijah in the Bible. A boy or girl's name.
Eliska Czech truthful
Elissa Greek Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elita Old French The little winged one or the chosen one.
Elizabeth Hebrew Consecrated to God. A name from the Bible. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elke The defender, or helper of mankind. Form of Alexandra.
Ella Old English Elfin, a fairy maiden. Also a diminutive of Eleanor, Elizabeth, Ellen and Helen.
Ellamay A combination of Ella and May.
Elle French She, a woman.
Ellema African Milking a cow.
Ellen The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Elli The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Ellice Greek Jehovah is God. The feminine form of Elias.
Ellie The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Ellin Aboriginal To move.
Ellinor The light of the sun. A form of Helen.
Elly The light of the sun. From the name Alice, Eleanor, Ella, Ellen and Helen. Also used as independent names.
Elma Greek Pleasant, amiable.
Elmas Armenian A diamond.
Elmira Old English Noble.
Elodia Wealthy, prosperous.
Elodie Wealthy, prosperous.
Eloise Teutonic Healthy.
Elouera Aboriginal From the pleasant place.
Elrica German The ruler of all.
Elsa A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Else Hebrew concecrated to god
Elsie Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elspeth Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Eluned Welsh A waterfall.
Elvan Turkish
Elvina Old English The friend of the elves.
Elvira Latin/Teutonic Latin: The fair one. Teutonic: A true stranger.
Elysa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elyse Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elyshia The light of the sun. A form of Alice, but often used as an independent name.
Elysia Latin Blissful.
Elyssa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Elzira Portuguese Form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Ema Polynesian beloved
Emalia Latin flirt
Emanuel God is with us.
Emanuela Hebrew god is with us
Emanuele God in humankind.
Ember Old English smoldering remains of a fire
Emelda A floret.
Emelia Industrious. Also see Amelia.
Emer Irish Gaelic A traditional name.
Emerald A gemstone name.
Emilia Ambitious, industrious.
Emilie Ambitious, industrious.
Emily Teutonic Industrious. Also see Amelia.
Emina Latin A noble or lofty maiden.
Emma Teutonic The healer of the universe.
Emmanuel Hebrew God is with us. A boy or girl's name.
Emmanuelle Hebrew God is with us. Feminine form of Emmanuel.
Emmet Old English Industrious. A boy or girl's name.
Emmett Truth.
Emmuna Hebrew
Emmylou From Emily and Louise. Emily - Industrious. Louise - A famous warrior maiden.
Emogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Emogene Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Ena Irish Gaelic Ardent. A variation of Eithne.
Enda Irish Gaelic Bird-like. A boy or girl's name.
Endocia Greek Of unquestionable reputation.
Endora Hebrew A fountain.
Engelberta Teutonic A bright angel.
Engracia Spanish Graceful.
Enid Celtic A pure soul.
Ennor Cornish From the boundary. A boy or girl's name.
Enola Native American magnolia
Enora Greek Light.
Enrica Italian/Spanish The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. Also see Harriet.
Enya Irish
Enye Yiddish grace
Enys Celtic From the island. Also see Innes.
Eranthe Greek A flower of spring.
Erasma Greek amiable
Erena Peace.
Erene Peace.
Erianthe Greek sweet as many flowers
Erica Old Norse A powerful ruler. The feminine form of Eric.
Erika German/Scandinavian A powerful ruler. The feminine form of Eric.
Erin Irish Gaelic From Ireland. A boy or girl's name.
Eris Greek The goddess of discord.
Erlina Celtic girl from Ireland
Erline Old English A noblewoman. The feminine form of Earl.
Erma Teutonic A maiden of the army. The feminine form of Herman. Also See Armina.
Ermine Old French From the name of the fur.
Ernestine Teutonic Serious, earnest. The feminine form of Ernest.
Erwina Teutonic An honourable friend.
Eryn Irish Gaelic From Ireland.
Erzsebet Hebrew devoted to God
Eskarne Spanish merciful
Esme Protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Esmeralda Spanish Spanish expression meaning Emerald.
Esmerelda Protector. The feminine form of Edmund.
Esperance Latin Hope.
Esperanza Spanish hope
Esta Italian From the east.
Estefania Spanish A garland or crown. The feminine form of Stephen.
Estelle French from Latin A star. Also see Esther and Stella.
Ester Spanish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Esther Hebrew A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Etain Irish Shining, bright.
Etana Hebrew Determination.
Etania Native American wealthy
Eternity Everlasting.
Ethel Teutonic A noble maiden.
Ethelda Noble in counsel.
Etienette French from Greek A garland or crown. Feminine form of Etienne. Also see Stephanie.
Etsu Japanese Delight.
Etta The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. A4, See Harriet.
Ettie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. A4, See Harriet.
Euclea Greek Glory.
Eudocia Of unquestionable reputation.
Eudocie Of unquestionable reputation.
Eudora Greek A wonderful gift.
Eugenia Greek Noble, wellborn. The feminine form of Eugene.
Eulalia Greek The well-spoken one.
Euna Scottish Also see Juno.
Eunice Greek Victorious.
Euphemia Greek Of good reputation.
Euphrasia Greek Joy, delight.
Euphrosyne Greek joy
Eurwen Welsh Fair.
Eurydice Greek The goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology.
Eustacia Greek Fruitful. The feminine form of Eustace.
Eva Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evadine Greek from greek mythology
Evadne Greek Fortunate.
Evana East European God is gracious. .
Evangelia Greek one who brings good news
Evangeline Greek The bearer of good news.
Evania Greek Peaceful, tranquil.
Evanthe Greek flower
Eve Hebrew Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evelina Hebrew lifegiving
Evelyn English From an old surname, but also related to Eve. A boy or girl's name.
Everild Old English The slayer of the boar. A boy or girl's name.
Everilda The slayer of the boar.
Evette From the name Yvonne. The feminine form of Yves. The little archer.
Evie Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evita Spanish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Evonne French/Greek French: An archer. Greek: The wood of the Yew tree.
Ewa Polish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Eyota Native American The greatest.
Fabia Latin A bean grower. Feminine form of Fabian.
Fabiana Latin bean
Fabienne French Bean grower.
Fabiola French Bean grower.
Fabrianne Latin Resourceful, or a craftswoman.
Fadila Arabic Generous and distinguished.
Fae English from Old French A fairy or magical creature. Also a diminutive of Faith.
Faiga Germanic a bird
Faina Anglo-Saxon joyful
Fainche Celtic saint's name
Faine Old English Joyful.
Fairlee Fairli
Fairley Old English A clearing in the woods. A boy or girl's name.
Fairuza Turkish turquoise
Faith English Trusting in God, having faith. Also see Fidela.
Faiza Arabic Victorious.
Faizah African victorious
Fala Native American crow
Falda Icelandic With folded wings.
Falguni Hindu
Fallon Irish A leader. A boy or girl's name.
Fanchon French From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Fannie From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Fanny From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Fantasia Latin Asia, Fanta
Fantine French childlike
Farah Arabic Happiness. Also see Farrah.
Farfalla Italian butterfly
Farica A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Farida Arabic Unique.
Fariishta Urdu angel
Farika A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Farley Old English From the fern clearing. A boy or girl's name.
Farrah Old English Beautiful.
Fascienne Latin black
Fatima Arabic A woman who abstains, or weans a child. Also - a daughter of the prophet Mohamed.
Fatin Arabic captivating
Faustine Latin The fortunate one.
Fawn Old French A young deer.
Fawne Old French, Latin young deer
Fay English from Old French A fairy or magical creature. Also a diminutive of Faith.
Faye Fairy or elf.
Fayina Russian free one
Faylinn Fairy kingdom.
Fayme Latin Of high reputation, renowned.
Fayna Joyful.
Fayne Joyful.
Fayre Old English Fair.
Felcia Polish lucky
Felda Teutonic From the field.
Felice Italian Fortunate, happy.
Felicia Happiness.
Felicite French fortunate
Felicity Latin Lucky, fortunate. The feminine form of Felix.
Felipa Spanish A lover of horses. The feminine form of Philip.
Femi African love me
Fenella Irish The white or fair shouldered one.
Fennella Irish The white or fair shouldered one.
Feodora Russian The gift of God. The feminine form of Theodore. Also see Dorothy.
Fern Old English Fern-like. From the plant name.
Fernanda Teutonic Prepared for the journey. A traveller or adventurer. The feminine form of Ferdinand.
Feronia Latin A mythological goddess.
Fidela Latin Faithful. Also see Faith.
Fidelia Spanish Faithful.
Fidelima Irish Gaelic The name of a saint.
Fifi God shall add. The feminine form of Joseph.
Filberta Very brilliant.
Filbertha Very brilliant.
Filipina Polish Lover of horses.
Filippa Italian A lover of horses. The feminine form of Philip.
Filomena A lover of the moon.
Filomene A lover of the moon.
Findabhair Gaelic Finn
Finola The white or fair shouldered one.
Finvarra Gaelic
Fiona Scottish Gaelic/Irish Gaelic Scottish Gaelic: The fair one. Irish Gaelic: A vine.
Fionavar Gaelic
Fionn Celtic white, fair
Fionola The white or fair shouldered one.
Fiorella Italian A little flower.
Fiorenza Italian flower
Firaki Hindu
Flanna Gaelic Red-haired.
Flavia Latin The golden-haired one.
Fleta Old English swift, fleet
Fleur Old French A flower. Also see Flora.
Flo Blossoming, flourishing.
Flora Latin A flower. After the Roman goddess of flowers and the spring. Also see Fleur.
Floramaria Flower of Mary.
Florence Latin Blossoming, flourishing.
Floria Flowering.
Floriane Flowering.
Florizel From Shakespeare's play Winter's Tale.
Flos Norse chieftain
Flower Blossoming, flourishing.
Floy Old German
Fola African honour
Fonda Latin Affectionate.
Fortuna Latin The fortunate one.
Fosetta French The dimpled one.
Fotini Greek Light.
Fran From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Frances Latin From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Francisca Spanish From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Freda A wise counsellor. From the name Alfreda, Frederica, Winifred.
Frederica Teutonic A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Frederika Old German peaceful ruler
Fredrica Peace.
Freya A lady. The goddess of love in Scandinavian mythology.
Freyde Yiddish Joy.
Frida A wise counsellor. From the name Alfreda, Frederica, Winifred.
Frieda A wise counsellor. From the name Alfreda, Frederica, Winifred.
Fritzi German A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Fronde Latin A leaf of the fens.
Fruma Yiddish one who is religious
Fuensanta Spanish a holy fountain
Fujita Japanese field
Fulvia Latin Tawny haired. The name of the wife of Mark Antony.
Fuscienne Latin black
Fabiana Latin bean
Fabienne French Bean grower.
Fabiola French Bean grower.
Fabrianne Latin Resourceful, or a craftswoman.
Fadila Arabic Generous and distinguished.
Fae English from Old French A fairy or magical creature. Also a diminutive of Faith.
Faiga Germanic a bird
Faina Anglo-Saxon joyful
Fainche Celtic saint's name
Faine Old English Joyful.
Fairlee Fairli
Fairley Old English A clearing in the woods. A boy or girl's name.
Fairuza Turkish turquoise
Faith English Trusting in God, having faith. Also see Fidela.
Faiza Arabic Victorious.
Faizah African victorious
Fala Native American crow
Falda Icelandic With folded wings.
Falguni Hindu
Fallon Irish A leader. A boy or girl's name.
Fanchon French From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Fannie From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Fanny From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Fantasia Latin Asia, Fanta
Fantine French childlike
Farah Arabic Happiness. Also see Farrah.
Farfalla Italian butterfly
Farica A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Farida Arabic Unique.
Fariishta Urdu angel
Farika A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Farley Old English From the fern clearing. A boy or girl's name.
Farrah Old English Beautiful.
Fascienne Latin black
Fatima Arabic A woman who abstains, or weans a child. Also - a daughter of the prophet Mohamed.
Fatin Arabic captivating
Faustine Latin The fortunate one.
Fawn Old French A young deer.
Fawne Old French, Latin young deer
Fay English from Old French A fairy or magical creature. Also a diminutive of Faith.
Faye Fairy or elf.
Fayina Russian free one
Faylinn Fairy kingdom.
Fayme Latin Of high reputation, renowned.
Fayna Joyful.
Fayne Joyful.
Fayre Old English Fair.
Felcia Polish lucky
Felda Teutonic From the field.
Felice Italian Fortunate, happy.
Felicia Happiness.
Felicite French fortunate
Felicity Latin Lucky, fortunate. The feminine form of Felix.
Felipa Spanish A lover of horses. The feminine form of Philip.
Femi African love me
Fenella Irish The white or fair shouldered one.
Fennella Irish The white or fair shouldered one.
Feodora Russian The gift of God. The feminine form of Theodore. Also see Dorothy.
Fern Old English Fern-like. From the plant name.
Fernanda Teutonic Prepared for the journey. A traveller or adventurer. The feminine form of Ferdinand.
Feronia Latin A mythological goddess.
Fidela Latin Faithful. Also see Faith.
Fidelia Spanish Faithful.
Fidelima Irish Gaelic The name of a saint.
Fifi God shall add. The feminine form of Joseph.
Filberta Very brilliant.
Filbertha Very brilliant.
Filipina Polish Lover of horses.
Filippa Italian A lover of horses. The feminine form of Philip.
Filomena A lover of the moon.
Filomene A lover of the moon.
Findabhair Gaelic Finn
Finola The white or fair shouldered one.
Finvarra Gaelic
Fiona Scottish Gaelic/Irish Gaelic Scottish Gaelic: The fair one. Irish Gaelic: A vine.
Fionavar Gaelic
Fionn Celtic white, fair
Fionola The white or fair shouldered one.
Fiorella Italian A little flower.
Fiorenza Italian flower
Firaki Hindu
Flanna Gaelic Red-haired.
Flavia Latin The golden-haired one.
Fleta Old English swift, fleet
Fleur Old French A flower. Also see Flora.
Flo Blossoming, flourishing.
Flora Latin A flower. After the Roman goddess of flowers and the spring. Also see Fleur.
Floramaria Flower of Mary.
Florence Latin Blossoming, flourishing.
Floria Flowering.
Floriane Flowering.
Florizel From Shakespeare's play Winter's Tale.
Flos Norse chieftain
Flower Blossoming, flourishing.
Floy Old German
Fola African honour
Fonda Latin Affectionate.
Fortuna Latin The fortunate one.
Fosetta French The dimpled one.
Fotini Greek Light.
Fran From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Frances Latin From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Francisca Spanish From France, or a free woman. The feminine form of Francis.
Freda A wise counsellor. From the name Alfreda, Frederica, Winifred.
Frederica Teutonic A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Frederika Old German peaceful ruler
Fredrica Peace.
Freya A lady. The goddess of love in Scandinavian mythology.
Freyde Yiddish Joy.
Frida A wise counsellor. From the name Alfreda, Frederica, Winifred.
Frieda A wise counsellor. From the name Alfreda, Frederica, Winifred.
Fritzi German A peaceful ruler. The feminine form of Frederick.
Fronde Latin A leaf of the fens.
Fruma Yiddish one who is religious
Fuensanta Spanish a holy fountain
Fujita Japanese field
Fulvia Latin Tawny haired. The name of the wife of Mark Antony.
Fuscienne Latin black
Gabby God is my strength.
Gabi God is my strength.
Gabriel Hebrew God is my strength. One of the archangels in the Bible. A boy or girl's name.
Gabriela God is my strength.
Gabriella God is my strength.
Gabrielle God is my strength.
Gaby God is my strength.
Gadar Armenian Perfection.
Gae Blithe, cheerful.
Gaea Greek Goddess of the Earth
Gai Blithe, cheerful.
Gaia Greek The earth. The earth goddess in Greek mythology.
Gail Hebrew Father's joy. A short form of Abigail, but also used independently.
Gainell unknown to profit
Gaines Middle English increase in wealth
Gajendra Hindu elephant king
Gala Swedish singer
Galatea Greek Milky white. A figure from Greek mythology.
Gale A stranger. A boy or girl's name.
Galen Greek The calm one, or the helper. A boy or girl's name.
Galena Latin A lead-like metal.
Gali Hebrew spring, fountain
Galia Hebrew A wave.
Galiena Teutonic A lofty maiden.
Galina Russian from Greek Calm. Also see Helen.
Galya Hebrew God has redeemed.
Gana Hebrew A garden.
Ganesa Hindu good luck
Gardenia A flower name.
Gargi Hindu
Garland Old French A crown or wreath of flowers. A boy or girl's name.
Garnet Old French Dark red, from the colour of pomegranates. Also the name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Gauri Hindu yellow
Gavrila Hebrew A heroine.
Gay Old French Blithe, cheerful.
Gayatri Hindu mother of the Vedas
Gaye Merry, happy.
Gayle Hebrew Father's joy. A boy or girl's name.
Gayleen Hebrew Father's joy. A short form of Abigail, but also used independently.
Gaylene Hebrew Father's joy. A short form of Abigail, but also used independently.
Gaynor Welsh Fair and soft. See Guinevere.
Gazelle Latin The antelope.
Gebriele Hebrew A woman of God. The feminine form of Gabriel.
Gedala Aboriginal The day.
Gelasia Greek Laughing, like a bubbling spring.
Gelsey Persian a flower
Gemina Greek A twin.
Gemma Italian A jewel or gem.
Gena Noble, wellborn.
Gene Greek Noble, wellborn. A boy or girl's name.
Genesia Latin The newcomer.
Genesis Hebrew origin
Genette God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Geneva After the city in Switzerland. Also see Genevieve.
Genevieve Old French A woman of the people.
Genie Noble, wellborn.
Genista Latin From the name of the broom plant.
Genji Chinese gold
Genna Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Gennifer Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Genny Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Georgette A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Georgia A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Georgina Greek A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Geraldine English from Old French A noble spear-carrier. The feminine form of Gerald. Also see Gerarda.
Geranium Greek A flower name.
Gerarda English from Old French A brave spear woman. The feminine form of Gerard. Also see Geraldine.
Gerda Old Norse Protected one.
Gerlinde Teutonic Of the weak spear.
Germaine French From Germany.
Gerry English from Old French A spear warrior. A boy or girl's name.
Gertrude Teutonic A spear maiden.
Geva Hebrew hill
Ghada Arabic Graceful.
Ghera Aboriginal A gum leaf.
Ghislain A pledge.
Ghislaine French A pledge.
Ghita Italian Pearl.
Giacinta Italian Young and beautiful.
Gianina Italian God is gracious. .
Gianna Italian God is gracious. .
Gigi French A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Gil Short for names beginning with Gil.
Gilana Hebrew Joy.
Gilberta Teutonic A bright or famous pledge. The feminine form of Gilbert.
Gilda Teutonic A sacrifice.
Gilen Teutonic industrious pledge
Gili My joy, rejoice.
Gillian Latin From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Gin Japanese silver
Gina Greek A girl from the farm. From Georgina. The feminine form of George.
Ginette A woman of the people.
Ginevra Italian A woman of the people.
Ginger Maidenly, pure. Also name of a spice.
Ginny Maidenly, pure. From the name Virginia.
Giorgetta Italian A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Giorgia A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Giorgio A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Giovanna Italian God is gracious. .
Girija Hindu
Gisela Dutch/Greman A pledge.
Giselle Teutonic A pledge.
Gita Sanskrit A song.
Gitana Spanish The gipsy.
Gitanjali Hindu
Githa Anglo-Saxon gift
Gitika Hindu
Giulia Italian From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Giulietta Italian From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Giuseppina Italian God shall add. .
Gizane Basque christ's incarnation
Gladys Welsh The lame one. Possibly a form of Claudia.
Gleda Old English to make happy
Glen Gaelic/Welsh/Cornish From the valley or glen. A boy or girl's name.
Glenda Welsh Pure and good. Also see Glenys.
Glenna Gaelic from the valley
Glennis From the valley or glen.
Glenys Welsh Holy, pure. Also see Glenda.
Glora Glorious.
Gloria Latin Glorious.
Glynis Holy, pure. Also see Glenda.
Glynnis Holy, pure. Also see Glenda.
Godiva Old English The gift of God.
Goldie English The golden one. Also a form of the Yiddish name Golda.
Goneril From Shakespeare's play King Lear.
Gordana Serbian proud
Gotzone Basque angel, messenger
Grace Latin Graceful.
Gracie Graceful.
Graeae Greek gray ones
Grania Irish Gaelic The name of a figure in Irish legend.
Grear Scottish watchful
Greer Scottish Watchful, vigilant.
Gregoria Greek Watchful, vigilant.
Greta German/Swedish A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Gretchen German A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Grete A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Gretel Swiss A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Grette Danish pearl
Grier Scottish Watchful, vigilant.
Griselda Teutonic The grey battle heroine.
Gryffyn Comish/Welsh Mythological beast. A boy or girl's name.
Guadalupe Arabic The river of the wolf. Generally a Spanish name.
Guan-yin Chinese The goddess of mercy.
Guda Old English Good.
Guddu Hindu
Gudrun Old Norse Divine lore or wisdom.
Guenevere Fair one.
Guida Latin The guide.
Guinevere Welsh Fair and soft. Wife of legendary King Arthur. Also see Gaynor, Jennifer and Vanora.
Gulara Aboriginal Moonlight.
Gunda Female warrior.
Gunnhild Old Norse A maiden of battle.
Gurley Aboriginal A native willow.
Guyra Aboriginal A fishing place, or a white cockatoos. Also a placename.
Gwen Welsh Fair, or blessed. Also see Gwendolen and Gwyneth.
Gwendolen Welsh A white ring or bow.
Gwendolyn Goddess of the moon.
Gwenhyvar Welsh Gwen
Gwennap Cornish The name of a saint and a placename.
Gwyn Welsh White, fair, or blessed. A boy or girl's name.
Gwyneth Welsh From a region of North Wales.
G?lay Turkish rosemoon
Gymea Aboriginal A small bird.
Gypsy Old English A wanderer.
Gytha Old English Warlike.
Gabi God is my strength.
Gabriel Hebrew God is my strength. One of the archangels in the Bible. A boy or girl's name.
Gabriela God is my strength.
Gabriella God is my strength.
Gabrielle God is my strength.
Gaby God is my strength.
Gadar Armenian Perfection.
Gae Blithe, cheerful.
Gaea Greek Goddess of the Earth
Gai Blithe, cheerful.
Gaia Greek The earth. The earth goddess in Greek mythology.
Gail Hebrew Father's joy. A short form of Abigail, but also used independently.
Gainell unknown to profit
Gaines Middle English increase in wealth
Gajendra Hindu elephant king
Gala Swedish singer
Galatea Greek Milky white. A figure from Greek mythology.
Gale A stranger. A boy or girl's name.
Galen Greek The calm one, or the helper. A boy or girl's name.
Galena Latin A lead-like metal.
Gali Hebrew spring, fountain
Galia Hebrew A wave.
Galiena Teutonic A lofty maiden.
Galina Russian from Greek Calm. Also see Helen.
Galya Hebrew God has redeemed.
Gana Hebrew A garden.
Ganesa Hindu good luck
Gardenia A flower name.
Gargi Hindu
Garland Old French A crown or wreath of flowers. A boy or girl's name.
Garnet Old French Dark red, from the colour of pomegranates. Also the name of a gemstone. A boy or girl's name.
Gauri Hindu yellow
Gavrila Hebrew A heroine.
Gay Old French Blithe, cheerful.
Gayatri Hindu mother of the Vedas
Gaye Merry, happy.
Gayle Hebrew Father's joy. A boy or girl's name.
Gayleen Hebrew Father's joy. A short form of Abigail, but also used independently.
Gaylene Hebrew Father's joy. A short form of Abigail, but also used independently.
Gaynor Welsh Fair and soft. See Guinevere.
Gazelle Latin The antelope.
Gebriele Hebrew A woman of God. The feminine form of Gabriel.
Gedala Aboriginal The day.
Gelasia Greek Laughing, like a bubbling spring.
Gelsey Persian a flower
Gemina Greek A twin.
Gemma Italian A jewel or gem.
Gena Noble, wellborn.
Gene Greek Noble, wellborn. A boy or girl's name.
Genesia Latin The newcomer.
Genesis Hebrew origin
Genette God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Geneva After the city in Switzerland. Also see Genevieve.
Genevieve Old French A woman of the people.
Genie Noble, wellborn.
Genista Latin From the name of the broom plant.
Genji Chinese gold
Genna Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Gennifer Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Genny Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Georgette A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Georgia A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Georgina Greek A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Geraldine English from Old French A noble spear-carrier. The feminine form of Gerald. Also see Gerarda.
Geranium Greek A flower name.
Gerarda English from Old French A brave spear woman. The feminine form of Gerard. Also see Geraldine.
Gerda Old Norse Protected one.
Gerlinde Teutonic Of the weak spear.
Germaine French From Germany.
Gerry English from Old French A spear warrior. A boy or girl's name.
Gertrude Teutonic A spear maiden.
Geva Hebrew hill
Ghada Arabic Graceful.
Ghera Aboriginal A gum leaf.
Ghislain A pledge.
Ghislaine French A pledge.
Ghita Italian Pearl.
Giacinta Italian Young and beautiful.
Gianina Italian God is gracious. .
Gianna Italian God is gracious. .
Gigi French A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Gil Short for names beginning with Gil.
Gilana Hebrew Joy.
Gilberta Teutonic A bright or famous pledge. The feminine form of Gilbert.
Gilda Teutonic A sacrifice.
Gilen Teutonic industrious pledge
Gili My joy, rejoice.
Gillian Latin From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Gin Japanese silver
Gina Greek A girl from the farm. From Georgina. The feminine form of George.
Ginette A woman of the people.
Ginevra Italian A woman of the people.
Ginger Maidenly, pure. Also name of a spice.
Ginny Maidenly, pure. From the name Virginia.
Giorgetta Italian A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Giorgia A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Giorgio A girl from the farm. The feminine form of George.
Giovanna Italian God is gracious. .
Girija Hindu
Gisela Dutch/Greman A pledge.
Giselle Teutonic A pledge.
Gita Sanskrit A song.
Gitana Spanish The gipsy.
Gitanjali Hindu
Githa Anglo-Saxon gift
Gitika Hindu
Giulia Italian From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Giulietta Italian From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Giuseppina Italian God shall add. .
Gizane Basque christ's incarnation
Gladys Welsh The lame one. Possibly a form of Claudia.
Gleda Old English to make happy
Glen Gaelic/Welsh/Cornish From the valley or glen. A boy or girl's name.
Glenda Welsh Pure and good. Also see Glenys.
Glenna Gaelic from the valley
Glennis From the valley or glen.
Glenys Welsh Holy, pure. Also see Glenda.
Glora Glorious.
Gloria Latin Glorious.
Glynis Holy, pure. Also see Glenda.
Glynnis Holy, pure. Also see Glenda.
Godiva Old English The gift of God.
Goldie English The golden one. Also a form of the Yiddish name Golda.
Goneril From Shakespeare's play King Lear.
Gordana Serbian proud
Gotzone Basque angel, messenger
Grace Latin Graceful.
Gracie Graceful.
Graeae Greek gray ones
Grania Irish Gaelic The name of a figure in Irish legend.
Grear Scottish watchful
Greer Scottish Watchful, vigilant.
Gregoria Greek Watchful, vigilant.
Greta German/Swedish A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Gretchen German A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Grete A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Gretel Swiss A pearl. Also see Margot, Marguerite, Megan.
Grette Danish pearl
Grier Scottish Watchful, vigilant.
Griselda Teutonic The grey battle heroine.
Gryffyn Comish/Welsh Mythological beast. A boy or girl's name.
Guadalupe Arabic The river of the wolf. Generally a Spanish name.
Guan-yin Chinese The goddess of mercy.
Guda Old English Good.
Guddu Hindu
Gudrun Old Norse Divine lore or wisdom.
Guenevere Fair one.
Guida Latin The guide.
Guinevere Welsh Fair and soft. Wife of legendary King Arthur. Also see Gaynor, Jennifer and Vanora.
Gulara Aboriginal Moonlight.
Gunda Female warrior.
Gunnhild Old Norse A maiden of battle.
Gurley Aboriginal A native willow.
Guyra Aboriginal A fishing place, or a white cockatoos. Also a placename.
Gwen Welsh Fair, or blessed. Also see Gwendolen and Gwyneth.
Gwendolen Welsh A white ring or bow.
Gwendolyn Goddess of the moon.
Gwenhyvar Welsh Gwen
Gwennap Cornish The name of a saint and a placename.
Gwyn Welsh White, fair, or blessed. A boy or girl's name.
Gwyneth Welsh From a region of North Wales.
G?lay Turkish rosemoon
Gymea Aboriginal A small bird.
Gypsy Old English A wanderer.
Gytha Old English Warlike.
Ha-Neul Korean sky
Habiba Arabic The beloved, the dew one.
Habika African sweetheart
Hadara Hebrew bedecked in beauty
Hadassa Hebrew flowering myrtle
Hadassah Jewish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Hadil Arabic Cooing like a dove.
Hadiya Arabic/Swahili A gift.
Hadria A dark woman from the sea. The feminine form of Adrian. Generally an Italian name.
Hadya Arabic A leader or guide.
Hafwen Welsh As beautiful as summer.
Hagar Hebrew Forsaken, or taking flight.
Haidee Greek Modest.
Haifa Arabic slender
Haimi Hawaiian the seeker
Hala Arabic A halo around the moon.
Halcyone Greek The kingfisher.
Haldana Old Norse Half Danish.
Haldis Teutonic, Norse stone spirit; reliable, assistant
Haleigha Hawaiian house of the rising sun
Haley Irish Gaelic Ingenious. A boy or girl's name.
Halfrida Teutonic A peaceful heroine.
Hali Greek, Hebrew sea; necklace, place name
Halia Greek The sun.
Haliey A high clearing or meadow.
Halima African gentle
Hallie Greek thinking of the sea
Halona Native American Fortunate.
Hana Arabic Bliss, happiness.
Hanan Hebrew Arabic: The affectionate one. Hebrew: The gracious gift of God. A boy or girl's name.
Hanna Goddess of life.
Hannah Hebrew Favoured by God, or graceful. Also see Anne.
Hanne God is gracious. .
Hansine German from Hebrew God is gracious. A feminine form of Ham.
Hanya Aboriginal A stone.
Happy English Bright and cheerful.
Haralda Old English The ruler of the army. Feminine form of Harold.
Harika Turkish wonderful
Harley Old English From the hare or stag meadow. A boy or girl's name.
Harmony Greek Concordant, in harmony.
Harper Old English A harp player or maker. A boy or girl's name.
Harriet Teutonic The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Harsha Hindu
Harshita Hindu
Haruko Japanese Spring.
Harva Army warrior. Feminine form of Harvey.
Hasina Swahili Good.
Hasna Arabic beautiful
Hathor Egyptian The goddess of love and joy.
Hattie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/ Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Hava Jewish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Havana Spanish The capital of Cuba.
Haya Hebrew Life.
Hayfa Arabic Slender, delicate.
Haylee Old English from the hay meadow
Hayley Old English A high clearing or meadow.
Hazel Old English From the Hazel tree.
Hazelle From the Hazel tree.
Hea Korean grace
Heater A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Heather Old English A flower name.
Heba Hebrew gift from God
Hebe Greek Youthful. A goddess of youth in mythology.
Hedasaa Jewish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Hedda Scandinavian The contentious one. A fighter.
Hedea Greek Pleasing.
Hedia Hebrew voice of the Lord
Hedva Hebrew joy
Hedwig Teutonic The contentious one. A fighter.
Hedy The contentious one. A fighter.
Heidi Swiss Noble and kind. From the name Adelheid (See Adelaide), well known from Johanna Spyri's classic children's book.
Heledd Welsh A traditional name.
Helen Greek The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Helena The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Helene French The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Helga Old Norse Successful, prosperous. Also see Olga.
Heli Finish
Helice Greek A spiel.
Helima Arabic Kind, gentle.
Helina Russian The light of the sun.
Helki Miwok Indian to touch
Helma German The resolute protector. From the name Wilhelmina.
Helmine German The resolute protector. From the name Wilhelmina.
Heloise Agreeable.
Helouse Healthy.
Helvetia Latin A woman from Switzerland.
Hem Hindu
Hema Hindu snow, himalayas
Hemangi Hindu
Hemangini Hindu
Hemlata Hindu
Heng Chinese
Henka Teutonic ruler of an estate
Henrietta Teutonic The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. Also see Harriet.
Hera Latin from Greek A quern. The wife of Zeus, ruler of the heavens, in Greek mythology.
Hermelinda Spanish shield of power
Hermia From Shakespeare's play Midsummer-Night's Dream.
Herminia Spanish lady of the earth
Hermione Greek A handsome figure in Greek mythology. The feminine form of Achilles.
Hermosa Spanish Beautiful.
Hero From Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing.
Herschell unknown deer
Herta Of the earth.
Hertha Of the earth.
Hesper Greek The evening star. Also see Esther.
Hester Star.
Hestia Greek The goddess of the hearth.
Hetal Hindu
Hettie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Hetty The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Hibernia Latin A woman from Ireland.
Hibiscus Greek A flower name.
Hide Japanese Excellent, fruitful.
Hidi African Root.
Hika Polynesian A daughter.
Hilary Latin The cheerful one. A boy or girl's name.
Hilda Teutonic A battle maiden.
Hilde A battle maiden.
Hildegard Teutonic A battle stronghold.
Hildemar Teutonic Battle-celebrated.
Hillary The cheerful one. Originally used as a boy's name.
Hilzarie Moon and stars.
Hina Hindu
Hinda Jewish A female deer.
Hine Polynesian A maiden.
Hippolyta Greek She who frees the horses. Also from Shakespeare's play Midsummer-Night's Dream.
Hiriwa Polynesian Silver.
Hiroko Japanese Generous.
Hisa Japanese long-lasting
Hjordis Old Norse A sword goddess.
Hoku Polynesian A star.
Holda Teutonic Concealed.
Holli Teutonic From the name Holly.
Holly Old English From the name of the tree. Suitable for a child born around Christmas.
Hollye Teutonic From the name Holly.
Honey Old English The sweet one.
Honna Greek Na
Honora Latin honor
Honour Latin Honourable.
Hope Old English Hopeful, optimistic.
Horatia Latin From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Horace.
Hortense Latin The garden lover.
Hoshi Japanese A star.
Hua Chinese A flower.
Huberta Teutonic A brilliant mind. The feminine form of the boy's name of Hubert.
Hue Vietnamese lily
Huette French from Teutonic Heart and mind. The feminine form of Hugh.
Hulda Hebrew/Old Norse Hebrew: A weasel. Old Norse: Lovable.
Huon The name of a Tasmanian river and a type of tree. A boy or girl's name.
Huyana Native American rain fallingHindu
Hyacinth Greek Young and beautiful. Also a flower name. Also see Jacinta.
Hye unknown gracefulness
Hylda A battle maiden.
Hypatia Greek The highest.
Habiba Arabic The beloved, the dew one.
Habika African sweetheart
Hadara Hebrew bedecked in beauty
Hadassa Hebrew flowering myrtle
Hadassah Jewish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Hadil Arabic Cooing like a dove.
Hadiya Arabic/Swahili A gift.
Hadria A dark woman from the sea. The feminine form of Adrian. Generally an Italian name.
Hadya Arabic A leader or guide.
Hafwen Welsh As beautiful as summer.
Hagar Hebrew Forsaken, or taking flight.
Haidee Greek Modest.
Haifa Arabic slender
Haimi Hawaiian the seeker
Hala Arabic A halo around the moon.
Halcyone Greek The kingfisher.
Haldana Old Norse Half Danish.
Haldis Teutonic, Norse stone spirit; reliable, assistant
Haleigha Hawaiian house of the rising sun
Haley Irish Gaelic Ingenious. A boy or girl's name.
Halfrida Teutonic A peaceful heroine.
Hali Greek, Hebrew sea; necklace, place name
Halia Greek The sun.
Haliey A high clearing or meadow.
Halima African gentle
Hallie Greek thinking of the sea
Halona Native American Fortunate.
Hana Arabic Bliss, happiness.
Hanan Hebrew Arabic: The affectionate one. Hebrew: The gracious gift of God. A boy or girl's name.
Hanna Goddess of life.
Hannah Hebrew Favoured by God, or graceful. Also see Anne.
Hanne God is gracious. .
Hansine German from Hebrew God is gracious. A feminine form of Ham.
Hanya Aboriginal A stone.
Happy English Bright and cheerful.
Haralda Old English The ruler of the army. Feminine form of Harold.
Harika Turkish wonderful
Harley Old English From the hare or stag meadow. A boy or girl's name.
Harmony Greek Concordant, in harmony.
Harper Old English A harp player or maker. A boy or girl's name.
Harriet Teutonic The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Harsha Hindu
Harshita Hindu
Haruko Japanese Spring.
Harva Army warrior. Feminine form of Harvey.
Hasina Swahili Good.
Hasna Arabic beautiful
Hathor Egyptian The goddess of love and joy.
Hattie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/ Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Hava Jewish Life-giving. Also see Evelyn.
Havana Spanish The capital of Cuba.
Haya Hebrew Life.
Hayfa Arabic Slender, delicate.
Haylee Old English from the hay meadow
Hayley Old English A high clearing or meadow.
Hazel Old English From the Hazel tree.
Hazelle From the Hazel tree.
Hea Korean grace
Heater A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Heather Old English A flower name.
Heba Hebrew gift from God
Hebe Greek Youthful. A goddess of youth in mythology.
Hedasaa Jewish A star. Also see Estelle, Hesper and Stella.
Hedda Scandinavian The contentious one. A fighter.
Hedea Greek Pleasing.
Hedia Hebrew voice of the Lord
Hedva Hebrew joy
Hedwig Teutonic The contentious one. A fighter.
Hedy The contentious one. A fighter.
Heidi Swiss Noble and kind. From the name Adelheid (See Adelaide), well known from Johanna Spyri's classic children's book.
Heledd Welsh A traditional name.
Helen Greek The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Helena The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Helene French The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Helga Old Norse Successful, prosperous. Also see Olga.
Heli Finish
Helice Greek A spiel.
Helima Arabic Kind, gentle.
Helina Russian The light of the sun.
Helki Miwok Indian to touch
Helma German The resolute protector. From the name Wilhelmina.
Helmine German The resolute protector. From the name Wilhelmina.
Heloise Agreeable.
Helouse Healthy.
Helvetia Latin A woman from Switzerland.
Hem Hindu
Hema Hindu snow, himalayas
Hemangi Hindu
Hemangini Hindu
Hemlata Hindu
Heng Chinese
Henka Teutonic ruler of an estate
Henrietta Teutonic The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Henry. Also see Harriet.
Hera Latin from Greek A quern. The wife of Zeus, ruler of the heavens, in Greek mythology.
Hermelinda Spanish shield of power
Hermia From Shakespeare's play Midsummer-Night's Dream.
Herminia Spanish lady of the earth
Hermione Greek A handsome figure in Greek mythology. The feminine form of Achilles.
Hermosa Spanish Beautiful.
Hero From Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing.
Herschell unknown deer
Herta Of the earth.
Hertha Of the earth.
Hesper Greek The evening star. Also see Esther.
Hester Star.
Hestia Greek The goddess of the hearth.
Hetal Hindu
Hettie The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Hetty The ruler of the home. A feminine form of Harry/Henry. Also see Henrietta.
Hibernia Latin A woman from Ireland.
Hibiscus Greek A flower name.
Hide Japanese Excellent, fruitful.
Hidi African Root.
Hika Polynesian A daughter.
Hilary Latin The cheerful one. A boy or girl's name.
Hilda Teutonic A battle maiden.
Hilde A battle maiden.
Hildegard Teutonic A battle stronghold.
Hildemar Teutonic Battle-celebrated.
Hillary The cheerful one. Originally used as a boy's name.
Hilzarie Moon and stars.
Hina Hindu
Hinda Jewish A female deer.
Hine Polynesian A maiden.
Hippolyta Greek She who frees the horses. Also from Shakespeare's play Midsummer-Night's Dream.
Hiriwa Polynesian Silver.
Hiroko Japanese Generous.
Hisa Japanese long-lasting
Hjordis Old Norse A sword goddess.
Hoku Polynesian A star.
Holda Teutonic Concealed.
Holli Teutonic From the name Holly.
Holly Old English From the name of the tree. Suitable for a child born around Christmas.
Hollye Teutonic From the name Holly.
Honey Old English The sweet one.
Honna Greek Na
Honora Latin honor
Honour Latin Honourable.
Hope Old English Hopeful, optimistic.
Horatia Latin From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Horace.
Hortense Latin The garden lover.
Hoshi Japanese A star.
Hua Chinese A flower.
Huberta Teutonic A brilliant mind. The feminine form of the boy's name of Hubert.
Hue Vietnamese lily
Huette French from Teutonic Heart and mind. The feminine form of Hugh.
Hulda Hebrew/Old Norse Hebrew: A weasel. Old Norse: Lovable.
Huon The name of a Tasmanian river and a type of tree. A boy or girl's name.
Huyana Native American rain fallingHindu
Hyacinth Greek Young and beautiful. Also a flower name. Also see Jacinta.
Hye unknown gracefulness
Hylda A battle maiden.
Hypatia Greek The highest.
Ianna God is gracious. Feminine form of Ian.
Ianthe Greek A violet-coloured flower. Also see lolanthe.
Ida Teutonic Happy, or youthful.
Ideh Hebrew praise
Idelia Teutonic Noble.
Idola Greek idolized
Idona Old Norse After the name of a Norse goddess who was in charge of the apples of eternal youth.
Idonia Old German industrious
Idra Aramaic A Figtree.
Idylla Greek Perfect.
Ierne Latin From Ireland.
Ignatia Latin Ardent, fiery. Feminine form of Ignatius.
Iku Japanese Nourishing.
Ila Old French From the island.
Ilana Hebrew Great tree.
Ilanna Hebrew A tree.
Ilaria Latin one who is merry
Ildiko Hungarian a fierce warrior
Ileana Greek From the city of (Lion). Also a Romania form of Helen.
Ilena The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Ilene The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Ilisapesi Tonga blessed one
Ilka The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Illona Irish The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Ilona Hungarian form of Helen.
Ilsa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Ilse German Short form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Iluka Aboriginal Near the sea.
Ima Japanese Now, the present.
Imam Arabic One who believes in God. A boy or girl's name.
Iman Arabic faith, belief
Imelda Italian/Spanish A floret.
Immacolata Italian The immaculate conception.
Imogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Imogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Imogene Latin image
Imperia Latin Imperious, the imperial one.
Ina Pure, chaste.
Inari Finnish A lake.
Inas Polynesian The wife of the moon.
Inayat Hindu kindness
Indaliai sea-feather, feather from the sea shore
India From the name of the country. Also a character in the novel and film, Gone with the Wind.
Indira Sanskrit An alternative name for Lakshmi, wife of the god Vishnu.
Indrina Hindu deep
Indu Hindu
Ines Pure, chaste.
Inez Pure, chaste.
Inga Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Ingaberg Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Ingaborg Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Inge Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Inger Old Norse A son's army or a Hero's daughter. A boy or girl's name.
Ingrid Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Iniga Ardent, fiery. Feminine form of Ignatius.
Innocentia Latin Innocent.
Io Greek
Iola Greek Violet-coloured.
Iolana Hawaiian to soar like an eagle
Iolanthe Greek A violet flower. The title of a Gilbert and Sullivan opera. Also see Ianthe, Violet and Yolanda.
Iona Scottish/Aboriginal Scottish: The name of a Hebridean island. Aboriginal: A tree.
Ione Greek A violet-coloured stone.
Iphigenia Greek The daughter of Agamemnon in Greek mythology.
Iratze Basque in reference to the virgin mary
Irene Greek Peace.
Ireta Latin Angry enraged.
Irihapeti Maori A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Irina East European Peace.
Iris Greek A rainbow and a flower.
Irma Latin/Teutonic Latin: Noble. Teutonic: Whole, strong.
Irvette Old English A friend from the sea.
Isa Sanskrit/Teutonic Sanskrit: A lord. Teutonic: Strong-willed. A boy or girl's name.
Isabel Spanish A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Isabella Italian A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Isadora Greek The gift of Isis. Feminine form of Isidore.
Isaura Greek soft air
Iseult The fair one.
Ishana Hindu rich
Ishi Japanese A stone.
Ishita Hindu
Isis Egyptian After the goddess of fertility. The supreme goddess.
Isla Scottish From the name of an island.
Isleen The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Isleta Spanish little Island
Ismena Greek Learned.
Isobel A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Isoke African satisfying gift
Isola Latin Isolated. A loner.
Isolde Welsh The fair one.
Isra Arabic Journeying by night.
Israt Arabic affection
Istas Native American snow
Ita Irish Gaelic Thirsty.
Iti Hindu
Itzel Mayan
Iva Old French A Yew tree.
Ivana Czech God is gracious. .
Ivanna Russian God is gracious. .
Ivory Latin From the tusks of an elephant.
Ivy Old English Plant name.
Ixchel Majan Goddess of the moon and fertility
Izanami Japanese She who invites you to enter.
Ianthe Greek A violet-coloured flower. Also see lolanthe.
Ida Teutonic Happy, or youthful.
Ideh Hebrew praise
Idelia Teutonic Noble.
Idola Greek idolized
Idona Old Norse After the name of a Norse goddess who was in charge of the apples of eternal youth.
Idonia Old German industrious
Idra Aramaic A Figtree.
Idylla Greek Perfect.
Ierne Latin From Ireland.
Ignatia Latin Ardent, fiery. Feminine form of Ignatius.
Iku Japanese Nourishing.
Ila Old French From the island.
Ilana Hebrew Great tree.
Ilanna Hebrew A tree.
Ilaria Latin one who is merry
Ildiko Hungarian a fierce warrior
Ileana Greek From the city of (Lion). Also a Romania form of Helen.
Ilena The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Ilene The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Ilisapesi Tonga blessed one
Ilka The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Illona Irish The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen.
Ilona Hungarian form of Helen.
Ilsa Consecrated to God. Also see Isabel and Lisa.
Ilse German Short form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Iluka Aboriginal Near the sea.
Ima Japanese Now, the present.
Imam Arabic One who believes in God. A boy or girl's name.
Iman Arabic faith, belief
Imelda Italian/Spanish A floret.
Immacolata Italian The immaculate conception.
Imogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Imogen Celtic/Latin Celtic: A girl or maiden. Latin: The image of her mother.
Imogene Latin image
Imperia Latin Imperious, the imperial one.
Ina Pure, chaste.
Inari Finnish A lake.
Inas Polynesian The wife of the moon.
Inayat Hindu kindness
Indaliai sea-feather, feather from the sea shore
India From the name of the country. Also a character in the novel and film, Gone with the Wind.
Indira Sanskrit An alternative name for Lakshmi, wife of the god Vishnu.
Indrina Hindu deep
Indu Hindu
Ines Pure, chaste.
Inez Pure, chaste.
Inga Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Ingaberg Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Ingaborg Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Inge Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Inger Old Norse A son's army or a Hero's daughter. A boy or girl's name.
Ingrid Old Norse Hero's daughter.
Iniga Ardent, fiery. Feminine form of Ignatius.
Innocentia Latin Innocent.
Io Greek
Iola Greek Violet-coloured.
Iolana Hawaiian to soar like an eagle
Iolanthe Greek A violet flower. The title of a Gilbert and Sullivan opera. Also see Ianthe, Violet and Yolanda.
Iona Scottish/Aboriginal Scottish: The name of a Hebridean island. Aboriginal: A tree.
Ione Greek A violet-coloured stone.
Iphigenia Greek The daughter of Agamemnon in Greek mythology.
Iratze Basque in reference to the virgin mary
Irene Greek Peace.
Ireta Latin Angry enraged.
Irihapeti Maori A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Irina East European Peace.
Iris Greek A rainbow and a flower.
Irma Latin/Teutonic Latin: Noble. Teutonic: Whole, strong.
Irvette Old English A friend from the sea.
Isa Sanskrit/Teutonic Sanskrit: A lord. Teutonic: Strong-willed. A boy or girl's name.
Isabel Spanish A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Isabella Italian A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Isadora Greek The gift of Isis. Feminine form of Isidore.
Isaura Greek soft air
Iseult The fair one.
Ishana Hindu rich
Ishi Japanese A stone.
Ishita Hindu
Isis Egyptian After the goddess of fertility. The supreme goddess.
Isla Scottish From the name of an island.
Isleen The light of the sun. The Irish form of Helen.
Isleta Spanish little Island
Ismena Greek Learned.
Isobel A form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Isoke African satisfying gift
Isola Latin Isolated. A loner.
Isolde Welsh The fair one.
Isra Arabic Journeying by night.
Israt Arabic affection
Istas Native American snow
Ita Irish Gaelic Thirsty.
Iti Hindu
Itzel Mayan
Iva Old French A Yew tree.
Ivana Czech God is gracious. .
Ivanna Russian God is gracious. .
Ivory Latin From the tusks of an elephant.
Ivy Old English Plant name.
Ixchel Majan Goddess of the moon and fertility
Izanami Japanese She who invites you to enter.
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