Jacinda Greek beautiful
Jacinta Spanish from Greek Beautiful. Also a form of Hyacinth.
Jacinthe Greek hyacinth
Jacki The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jackie The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jacky The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jaclyn The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jacoba Hebrew The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob.
Jacqueline French from Hebrew The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jacqui The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jada Hebrew wise
Jade Spanish The jade stone.
Jadwiga Polish The contentious one. A fighter.
Jael Hebrew To ascend or a wild goat. A boy or girl's name.
Jaen Hebrew ostrich
Jaffa Hebrew Beautiful.
Jagrati Hindu
Jahnavi Hindu
Jaime French French for I love you. A boy or girl's name.
Jaimica Spanish supplanter
Jaimie French I love
Jaina Hindu good character
Jaione Basque nativity
Jakinda Basque hyacinth
Jala Arabic charity
Jamal Arabic The handsome one. A boy or girl's name.
Jamari French warrior
Jamee Hebrew supplanter, one who replaces
Jamesina Hebrew The supplanter. A feminine form, of James. Also see Jaime.
Jamila Arabic/Swahili Beautiful.
Jamilah Arabic beautiful
Jan God is gracious. A boy or girl's name.
Jana God is gracious. .
Jancis English A modern name derived from Jane and Frances. Jane - God is gracious. Frances - From France, or a free woman.
Jane Hebrew God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Janelle English A modern name derived from Jane and the feminine suffix `elle'. Jane - God is gracious.
Janet God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Janette God is gracious.
Janice God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Janina God is gracious. .
Janine God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Janisa funny, loveable, hyper child Janese
Janna Hebrew Flourishing.
Jannali Aboriginal The moon. Also a placename.
Janthina A violet-coloured flower. Also see lolanthe.
Janthine A violet-coloured flower. Also see lolanthe.
Japera Japs
Jaquenetta French from Hebrew The supplanter. The feminine form of Jacob and James.
Jarah Hebrew Honey.
Jardena Hebrew to flow downward
Jarita Sanskrit A legendary bird.
Jarka Slavonic Springlike.
Jarmila Slavonic The grace of spring.
Jarrah Aboriginal A type of Eucalyptus tree. A boy or girl's name.
Jarvia Teutonic As sharp or keen as a spear.
Jarvinia German keen intelligence
Jasmine Persian A fragrant flower.
Jaya Sanskrit Victory. Also the name of a Buddhist female goddess.
Jayani Hindu a sakti of Ganesha
Jayne Hindu victorious
Jaythen Swedish Jay, Jai
Jazlyn Arabic Jazlin, Yazlin, Yazlyn, Yaz, Jaz, Lyn
Jean French God is gracious. A boy or girl's name.
Jeanne French God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Jeannette God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Jehan Arabic beautiful flower
Jelena Russian shining light
Jemima Hebrew A dove. A biblical name.
Jemma A jewel or gem.
Jena God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Jenay French name of a plant
Jendayi African give thanks
Jendyose Ugandan have done good to produce a child
Jenell German knowledge, understanding, kindness
Jenica Romanian God is gracious
Jenna Fair and soft.
Jennifer Cornish/Welsh Fair and soft. Also a variation of Guinevere.
Jenny Fair and soft.
Jeno Greek heaven, well-born
Jensine Hebrew God is gracious
Jeraldine A noble spear-carrier.
Jerarda A brave spear woman. The feminine form of Gerard.
Jeremia Hebrew Appointed by God. The feminine form of Jeremiah and Jeremy.
Jermain From Germany. A boy or girl's name.
Jermayne From Germany.
Jerrica Jerrianne, Jerrianna
Jerusha Hebrew The married one.
Jesal Hindu
Jess Wealthy.
Jesse Hebrew God's gift. A boy or girl's name.
Jessica Hebrew Wealthy. Used by Shakespeare for a character in The Merchant of Venice.
Jessie Wealthy. Also independent names, particularly in Scotland.
Jet Latin Black, the name of a material used for making jewellery. A boy or girl's name.
Jetta Latin Black, the name of a material used for making jewellery.
Jewel Old French A gemstone or the precious one.
Jewell A gemstone or the precious one.
Jezebel Impure.
Jezreel Hebrew Jez
Jiba Aboriginal The moon.
Jiera Lithuanian living
Jigisha Hindu
Jihan Turkish universe
Jill From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Jilli From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Jillian From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Jillie From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Jilly From a Roman family name. The feminine form of Julian and a derivative of Julia.
Jin Chinese/Korean Chinese: Golden. Korean: A jewel. A boy or girl's name.
Jina Swahili name
Jinx Latin a charm
Jirra Aboriginal A kangaroo. A boy or girl's name.
Joakima Hebrew the Lord will judge
Joan God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Joann God is gracious. .
Joanna God is gracious. .
Joanne God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Jobey Hebrew persecuted
Jobina Hebrew The persecuted one. The female form of job.
Jocasta Greek The shining moon. The mother of Oedipus in Greek mythology.
Jocelyn Latin The merry one.
Jocosa Latin Humorous, playful.
Jocunda Latin Cheerful, merry.
Jodi God is gracious.
Jodie A woman from Judea.
Joelle French from Hebrew The Lord is God. The feminine form of Joel.
Joelliane Hebrew Jehova is God
Johanna God is gracious.
Jolan Hungarian violet blossom
Jolanda Italian A violet flower. Also see Violet and Iolanthe.
Jolanta Polish A violet flower. Also see Violet and Iolanthe.
Jolene English A modern combination, perhaps of Jo and Marlene. Marlene is derived from Maria (Mary) and Magdalene. Jo (Joan) - God is gracious. Mary - Bitter, as in a bitterly wanted child. Also - The star of the sea. Magdalene - A woman from
Jolie French Pretty.
Jonesy Old English
Joni God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Jonie God is gracious. The feminine form of John. Also see Janelle, Janet, Janice, Janine, Jean, Joan, Joanne, Shane, Sim.
Jonina Hebrew dove
Jonquil A flower name, from the Latin word for a reed.
Joo-Eun Korean silver pearl
Jora Hebrew autumn rain
Jordan Hebrew Flowing down, as in the River Jordan. A boy or girl's name.
Jordana Hebrew Flowing down, as in the River Jordan. A boy or girl's name.
Jordane Hebrew descendant, flowing down
Joscelin The merry one.
Josephine Hebrew God shall add. The feminine form of Joseph.
Josie God will add.
Joslin The merry one.
Josslyn The merry one.
Jovita The joyful one.
Joy Latin Joyful.
Joyanne Latin A combination of joy and Anne.
Joyce Middle English A lord. Originally a boys name.
Juana Spanish God is gracious. .
Juanita Spanish God is gracious. .
Judith Hebrew A woman from Judea. A name from the Bible. Also see Jodie.
Judy A woman from Judea.
Juene French Young.
Juhi Hindu
Jules Youthful.
Julia Latin From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Juliana Soft-haired.
Julianna From the name Julia & Anne. Julia - From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful. Anne - Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah.
Julianne From the name Julia & Anne. Julia - From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful. Anne - Grace, or favoured by God. From the Hebrew name Hannah.
Julie French From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Juliet From a Roman name, possibly meaning youthful.
Julinka Latin youthful
Julya Russian From a Roman, possibly meaning youthful.
Jumoke Nigerian The beloved one.
Jun Chinese The truth.
June English From the month of June.
Juniper Latin From the name of die juniper plant.
Juno Latin The heavenly one. The wife of Jupiter in Roman mythology. Also a form of Una.
Justine Latin Fair, just. The feminine form of Justin.
Jutta A woman from Judea, or die praised one. Also see Jodie.
Jutte A woman from Judea, or die praised one. Also see Jodie.
Jyoti Sanskrit Light.
Jyotsna Hindu